Chapter 11

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The next morning (y/n) woke up later than usual. She was exhausted from all the dancing, eating, singing. But what mattered is that she had fun, even though she broke many rules. Luckily, nobody had seen her, except from the stable man who swore not to say anything.

She got dressed and headed outside her room, her eyes landing on none other than her guard's.

"Goodmorning." she politely said.

"Goodmorning your highness." he bowed, following her to the mess hall.

To her surprise, when the guards opened the doors for her, Aizawa appeared in front of her with his arms crossed and a clearly irritated look on his face.

"Goodmorning?" she awkwardly said, making her way to the throne.

"I saw you last night."

She immediately flinched as soon as she sat down, Bakugou remaining frozen next to her.

"W-What do you mean?"

"Leaving before the ball even came to an end? Sneaking around town without letting your guards know?"

"I was accompanied by-"

"Not only that, but you dragged Prince Shoto into this as well?"

She took off her crown and lowered her head, Bakugou watching both of them in complete silence.

"Was this your idea?" asked Aizawa, his gaze turning to Bakugou.

"Well I-"

"No. It was mine."

"Excellent, your highness." he slowly clapped. "I want to, no, I demand you to tell me what you did."

"There you go again. Curtailing my personal freedom." she sighed. "You're acting as if I murdered someone."

"Well, you were with an assassin."

"Aizawa!" she shouted, both men flinching at the sound of her loud voice. "You want to know what I did? I had fun. I've never had such a great time in my life! You should be happy for me, you wanted me to grow up and become a better person! How am I supposed to do that locked up inside these walls without knowing what's happening outside!"

"That's not the issue (y/n)! Nothing you do is a private matter! The future Queen can't go around risking her life needlessly! You could've-"

"I didn't though. I'm neither injured nor killed. I was in a happy mood 'till you showed up!" Aizawa's eyes widened at her words and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands. "I apologize!"

"You know I hate being tough towards you." he said, the tone of his voice lowering. "You rejected Prince Shoto's proposal?"


"May I ask for the reason?"

"I'd prefer not to talk about it."

"I see. I have to admit that I've been unfair to you also. I'll stop pressuring you into marrying someone. But you have to promise me that if you ever find the right one, you'll talk to me about it. You know how much I worry about you. "

"Most certainly, Aizawa." she said, standing up from her throne. She softly wrapped her arms around him but he didn't really return the hug due to not being much of an affectionate person. Instead, he just gave her a small pat on the back.

"Before I leave for today, I have to apologize to you too, guard. I shouldn't have accused you. And thank you for looking after (y/n)."

"Of course." he bowed.

Silence filled the room as soon as Aizawa left and (y/n) didn't bother to sit down again.

"Are you okay?" asked Bakugou.

"I am." she quickly replied, glancing at him. "It's just that sometimes Aizawa makes me feel like I fail at everything I do. It's not his fault though. He has no bad intentions behind his words, he just gets worried about me a lot."

"You shouldn't feel like that. I am sure that you're going to become a great Queen. One that everyone looks up to and respects." (y/n)'s eyes widened at him. "Actually, I've been meaning to apologize about the day I tried to assassinate you. I thought that you would be just a heartless, spoiled little girl who was only interested in her own profits. But I was wrong." he bowed.

She sighed and rested her hands on top of his shoulders as if telling him to stop bowing.

"We wouldn't have crossed paths if it weren't for your pathetic assassination attempt." she mocked, his eyes rolling at her but a smile forming on his lips eitherway. "I've been meaning to ask you, have you ever killed someone?"

She sat on her throne while waiting for his reply.

"Well, yes. But only rivals, bad people and such." he murmured the last few words. She simply hummed in response, not really surprised at them. "Does it bother you?"

"Don't worry." she assured, placing her hand on top of his. He flinched at the sudden contact, but he didn't really move his hand away.

"Have you ever killed someone?"

"Some years ago. I was forced by my parents to give orders in executing a peasant who shot an arrow at me when they talked to our people from the balcony."

"Why would he target you?"

"He shouted that I should be killed due to not being a male. Basically meaning that I wouldn't be able to maintain my throne. He also called me a spoiled little girl." she chuckled at the last part, glancing at Bakugou who hid his face in embarrassment. "It's okay though. I've learned to ignore people's words. I do think about them sometimes however."

Bakugou tried to talk but he got interrupted by a guard who entered the main hall in a rush. He felt relieved though. In fact, grateful for the guard interrupting him right in time before her name escaped his lips.

(y/n) got informed that Prince Shoto had come to the castle, asking to talk to her about an important matter, so she stood up from her throne and told Bakugou that he needn't go with her, and that he was free to do whatever he liked. Before she left, however, she stopped for a second and threw him a side glance.

"It's your highness." she said, a small smile forming on her lips. And by that, she rushed outside.

"Tsk." he covered his face with his hand, trying to hide the fact that he was also blushing.

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