Chapter 33

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"Your majesty? Are you awake? It's unusual for you to be asleep 'till this hour."

In reality, (y/n) didn't get to sleep for even a second. She just couldn't. She layed on her back, staring at the ceiling all night. Whenever she drifted off to sleep because of exhaustion, it felt like she re-lived the moment he left his last breath in her arms. Then she would wake up instantly, covered in sweat from head to toe.

"I'll have to come in, excuse me."

The maid's eyes softened when they fell on (y/n)'s lifeless body.

"You need to get up, my dear." she said, but (y/n) only blinked in response.

The maid wrapped her arms around (y/n)'s body and helped her undress herself. She then lead her to the bathroom where she washed her sweat-covered body.

"The guards told me that you didn't sleep at all. They heard you gasp every now and then, cry a little bit." she murmured while drying (y/n)'s body after cleaning her up. "Would you like me to visit you at night? I can help you relax until you fall asleep, even for some minutes."

(y/n) shook her head, and even though disappointed, the maid felt slightly relieved that (y/n) responded for once.

"It's okay. If you need anything though I'll come right away."

After some minutes, (y/n) was all dressed up. She leaned forward so that the maid put her crown on her head and then she finally walked outside her room.

"How about I make you a nice cup of tea. You'll find it on top of the glass table in the mess hall." the maid smiled before walking down the sun lit hallways.

(y/n)'s body moved on its own and without even realizing it, she stood outside the healer's medical room. She knocked once and after some seconds the door opened, the healer's eyes widening at her figure.

"M-My shoulder hurts." she struggled saying.

"Come in my dear. I'll take care of it."

After sitting on a small stool, the healer started disinfecting her swollen wound.

"It doesn't look that good. It's normal though, so you needn't worry. Does it hurt?" he asked and she simply nodded.

Minutes later he had wrapped new bandages around the wound tightly enough so that she wouldn't feel the stinging pain as much whenever she moved.

"Give me a second. I'll give you some sleeping pills, if that's okay with you. The maid informed me this morning so I prepared them beforehand."

While waiting for him to find the pills, the door opened half way, Momo's head popping through.

"Goodmorning!" she smiled while caressing (y/n)'s soft cheek. "Let's walk around the garden shall we? Shoto is waiting for us outside."

"That's a good idea! I'll have the pills sent to your chamber." the healer added while opening the door for the ladies to walk through.

"Goodmorning (y/n)." bowed Todoroki, (y/n) nodding silently.

Momo wrapped her arm around hers and they all walked around (y/n)'s beautiful garden peacefully. Both Momo and Todoroki were informed that (y/n) wouldn't really talk, so they didn't bother her with asking her questions or forcing her to talk. They just hoped that she would speak up herself, but they doubted she would. It has only been one day afterall.

Without noticing, they had arrived near the guard's training grounds. (y/n)'s eyes widened as soon as she heard the loud noises of the swords clashing and she squatted down, covering her ears with her gloved hands tightly while gritting her teeth.

'I suffer, you'll suffer with me!'

"It's okay (y/n)." Todoroki spoke calmly while squatting next to her, trying to reassure her that she was in no danger at all.

Momo kindly asked for the guards to break it down for some minutes or until Todoroki and her took (y/n) away from the training grounds.

"(y/n), it's over." Momo smiled while putting her hands on (y/n)'s, gently taking them away from her ears.

"S-Sorry." she whispered, her voice trembling.

"Don't apologize." said Todoroki, helping her stand up and straightening her golden crown. "Let's get you inside."

When they entered the mess hall, their eyes fell on Aizawa who was sitting on his usual spot at the glass table while reading his newspaper.

"Hello (y/n), would you like to join me for some tea?" he asked while Momo helped her sit on the chair across him.

"We have to leave now, I hope you don't mind. Let us know if you need anything okay?"

(y/n) nodded at Momo and Todoroki, her eyes still being stuck on the floor. When the pair left, Aizawa took some moments to scan (y/n) before speaking up again.

"Your tea will get cold."

Her eyes moved to her cup of tea and she picked it up carefully. As she took small sips from it, memories of the day she had visited his village for the first time crossed her mind. Their last hug. Their last kiss.

"Did you hear me?"

Her eyes widened and she put the cup down, raising her head so that she met Aizawa's eyes that were glued on her with a slight tint of worry being visible in them.

"No, I apologize."

"It's okay. I asked about your wellbeing. How are you feeling?"

What was she supposed to say? Didn't he already know? Her fingertips tapped the table while she took some seconds to try and think of a decent answer. That's what he wanted her to do. Put her mind to work. Help her communicate once again before the situation got worse.

"My shoulder doesn't hurt as much now that the healer took care of it. I had a panic attack earlier. I.. I don't feel so good. I want to cry but I feel like I've ran out of tears."

"I know.." he murmured, taking a hold of her hand and ignoring her flinching.

He then clicked his finger next to her ear and she gasped while covering it with her free hand.

"You need to get over that."

"I-I can't."

"Yes you can. You never give up."

"Maybe I should! If I had then none of this would've happened!"

empty crown // bakugou x reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt