Chapter 4

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{Kai's p.o.v}

When I woke up this morning, Oliver acted like nothing happened last night. He still flirted with me too. Did he just forget about it? I guess I should do the same. So I decided to visit my sister since I haven't seen her in a little while.

I walked into her room and sat on her bed. "What do you want? You don't usually like me enough to come into my room." That's true. "I don't know. I just wanted to talk to you." I think she could sense something was up because then she asked me, "what's wrong? Why do you look so odd?" I can't tell her, can I? She wouldn't care but I need to be careful.

"Nothing, just tired of Oliver." We'll go with that. "Did something happen?" She asked. "Well, maybe but you might think it's weird." "If you did it, then it probably is." This was a bad idea. "Nevermind," I said. She looked a little more serious now. "Ok, I'm sorry. What's wrong? I'll help."

"Oliver kissed me." Her eyebrows went up and she just sat there for a second. "Oh," was all she said. "Yea, oh," I responded. "How did you respond? Do you like him? Or was it just a heat of the moment thing?" So many questions. "I don't know. He told me I had something on my face and then he just kissed me. He apologized after but it was awkward. I've never kissed anyone before. I don't know how it's supposed to work."

"Did you like it?" She asked me. Of course not. "What? No! Of course not!" Why would she even ask that? "Sorry just asking. Maybe it was an accident, or he was just playing around. Just pretend like it didn't happen." Exactly what I was going to do. "Okay thanks," I said and walked out.

{Oliver's p.o.v}

I didn't mean to kiss him. It was supposed to just be a joke, I thought he would turn his head like usual. Honestly, I'd do it again if it meant I could kiss him again. His lips were so soft, I can't stop thinking about it. I want to do it again but judging by his reaction, I don't think he feels the same way.

At first, I was just teasing him and flirting playfully, but as time passed, I started having feelings for him. It probably wouldn't work anyway. When I get home, we won't ever see each other again and he's a prince so he probably has to marry another elf and a royal or rich one too.

But I can't stop thinking about him. I even had a dream about him last night. I was sitting on his bed, then he walked into the room and straddled my legs. He started kissing me again and then his tongue went in my mouth and the kiss got heated. We started leaning back and making out and then I woke up! It was awful when I woke up. I wanted to see the rest of that dream.

Maybe if I sit on the bed in the exact way as my dream, it will actually happen. I should try that tonight. Where is Kai anyway? I haven't seen him since this morning. The door opened and speak of the handsome devil, in walks Kaidon.

"What are doing just sitting there?" He asked. "I don't know. You left me so I'm bored. I just can't live without youuu." I added that last part dramatically. He rolled his eyes and said, "Why didn't you do anything? You could have been cleaning my room for me. Been helpful for once," he suggested with a raised brow. I put my hand on my heart and scoffed, "That was rude. I'm always helpful." Then I added, "I could also be helpful in another way." I gave him a suggestive smirk but turned around and ignored me.

{Kai's p.o.v}
"I could also be helpful in another way." When he said that, I had to turn around so he didn't see my red face. Why did that affect me so much? Surely it's not just because he kissed me right? Maybe it is, I've never kissed anyone. It's probably just because I'm nervous and awkward.

I sat down at my desk to work on some stuff that my dad gave me while Oliver was still blabbering randomly. This dude could talk to a tree and not get bored. I kind of like that about him. What? Why do I keep acting like this?

"Kaaiii." Goodness, he's annoying sometimes. "Whattt?" Might as well match him. "I'm so hungry. I might starve, like to death. Can you take me to get some food?" He complained. Dude. "No, why can't you go by yourself?" Hearing that, Oliver grumbled more, "what if I get caught? And then I'll go to jail. And then I might die or get slain to death." So dramatic. I rolled my eyes but finally agreed, "Fine. Let's go." He jumped up, "Yay! Let's go." I couldn't help but smile.

After we got food, Oliver wanted to go swimming for some reason. I agreed and told him we can. "Will my ears mess up with water?" He asked me. "Nah you'll be fine," I honestly don't know.

When we got to the beach, I took my shoes off and set them down. Then, Oliver started taking his shirt off! It was exceedingly slow and damn, he looks good. Dang it, I'm thinking about it again. I realized that I was staring for too long then I proceeded to take my shirt off too. I was a little skeptical at first because I don't look near as good as him, but I finally just took it off and ran to jump in the water. Not even waiting for Oliver.

{Oliver's p.o.v}
I saw the chance and I took it. Clearly, it worked. When I took my shirt off, I saw Kai staring at me and I made sure that it was a show. He finally snapped out of it and started taking his off too. He looked hesitant at first but I don't know why because he was beautiful. I wish I could see the rest but I'll just settle for this for now.

He ran to jump in the water, without even waiting for me first. So I hurried to take my shoes off and ran to jump in as well. The water was a bit cold but it felt good. I started splashing around and throwing water at Kai. He squealed (which was so cute, might I add), and threw water back at me. We got into a water fight for a little bit then challenged who could hold their breath the longest. He won because I've never been good underwater.

After a while, we got tired and decided to go lay up on the beach. We lay there for some time but it started getting dark and a little cold so we decided to head back. As we were walking back, I could see Kai looking at me every now and then. I didn't know if he was still upset at me about the kiss, so I decided to apologize again. "Kai?" He hummed in consideration. "I'm sorry again about the kiss. I swear I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have been messing around like that."

He let out a small "oh" and said, "It's alright, I understand it was an accident. We can just pretend it didn't happen." Of course, that's what he wants. But I'm going to respect that. "Okay, thanks. So we're good?" I asked hopefully. "Yep, we're good."

{Kai's p.o.v}
Why did I say to just forget about it? I mean, that's the best thing to do. But is that what I want? Varda seemed okay with it. So why can't I be? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Wait, I've been having all these thoughts about Oliver. Does that mean I like him? Oh my goodness, I like Oliver.

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