Chapter 6

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{Oliver's p.o.v}
I woke up with the worst headache I've ever had. Last night was all a blur. I remember bits and pieces. As I was trying to recall everything from last night, I remembered that I leaned in to kiss Kai. But did we actually kiss or did move this time? I can't remember, but I think if I kissed him then I would remember it. He's pretty unforgettable, and very pretty. He's just perfect in general.

After I finished my obsession with the prince, I realized that he's not even here. I need him to be here though because I'm hungry. I got up and was about to open the door but almost got smacked in the face because Kai walked in. He also had food, so I forgot all about how he almost smashed my face in.

"Is this for me??" I asked him. "No, I just wanted leftovers. Yes, it's for you," he snarled quite rudely. "Geez, what's got you all fussed up?" He just turned and said, "Nothing. I've gotta leave again for meetings and stuff. You can go if you want to. If you are going, then I'll wait on you." So I scarfed my stuff down and went with him.

{Kai's p.o.v} -Before Oliver Woke Up-
I walked to my sister's room because I decided it was time to tell her about Oliver. I need someone to talk to about all of this. When I opened the door, she was sitting at her desk, reading a book.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" I asked her hesitantly. "Sure, since it sounds serious," she replied. "Don't make fun of me or laugh or anything. Okay?" She just sat and stared at me so I went ahead and started talking.

"I think I like Oliver," I said really fast and closed my eyes so I didn't see her reaction. "Why was that so hard to say? I just assumed that already," she said excitedly. Wow, my sister is too much sometimes.

"Wait. Really? You don't care?" I paused for a second then added, "It doesn't matter anyway, I don't think he likes me. I mean, he flirts with me and all but I think it's all just a joke." She smacked me on the head and said, "Dear brother, are you stupid? He could just be too scared to tell you, or he doesn't think you like him." Probably not. "I don't know. Probably not."

Her face lit up with excitement. "I have an idea," she said with a raised brow and a smirk, "Kiss him. Just go for it. See what he does." What?! "I don't think so! That's not happening," I told her. "Come one, just do it. He did it to you and do you hate him? I don't think you do," her argument was good but still, I don't know. If it does just end up happening someday, then I should be ready. Right?

"Just for the future, what-" How do I word this? "How do I kiss?" She looked like she was trying not to laugh. "How do you expect me to tell you that? I'm definitely not showing you," she told me in a grossed-out tone.

"Duh gross. Just tell me. Like how do I go for it? And what do I do when it's happening?" I asked her hesitantly. "It's not that hard. Just don't overthink it and make sure you're comfortable," she paused for a second, then continued, "And you know, if you get extra comfortable, then you can steer a little away from the lips. You know, get some neck action." In a first kiss?! "That's a bit far. I don't know about that," I told her. "Just an idea," she said while shrugging. "We'll see. Thanks but I gotta get back." She smirked and nodded.

On my way to the kitchens, I thought about her idea. I don't think I can do that. What if he doesn't like me? It will mess it all up.

When I opened the door to my room, I almost smacked Oliver in the face on accident. That's his fault. While he was eating, I started drawing just to distract myself.

"What do we do now? Ooh, can I draw with you?" He asked me. "Sure, just get a pencil and some paper." He reached over me and I turned my head to say something but when I did, his face was right there.

This is a perfect time. Just do it. "Sorry, can you hand me a pencil?" He asked me. Dang it, I'm too scared. "Uh sure, here you go," and I handed him a pencil. Our hands might have been touching for longer than needed.

After a while, I looked over at his drawing. It looked like a phoenix, a really good one too. "Wow, that's really good! I didn't know you could draw," I exclaimed to him. "Oh, I don't think it's too good. I just did my best." Not too good? That's crazy. "Your best is pretty good. That's amazing. Why a phoenix?" I asked him. He thought for a second, "No real reason, I just think they're cool." He paused, then his face lit up, and said, "Wait! Do y'all have phoenixes??" He asked me. "Not around here, but in the north, they're pretty common to see." He looked pretty excited at that.

"You should take me to see one. That'd be so cool!" Maybe someday. "Unless you find a way back home," I told him. "You're right. I wish you could meet my family, I think you'd like them." Meet his family? They would probably hate me. "Yea, that would be cool." He hummed in agreement and then we both decided to go take a walk through the village.

-Later That Night-
Oliver was sitting at my desk and I'm sitting in my bed, reading. Technically, I'm pretending to read. "Oliver?" Am I doing this? He hummed in acknowledgment. "Can I try something?" How do I do this? "Um sure. What is it?" He asked me. "Can you just stand up, please?" He looked confused but still stood up.

I walked toward him and froze. Just go for it. He did it, and so can you. I walked up to him and, "Can you close your eyes?" He closed his eyes.

I leaned in and closed my eyes. I decided to just go for it. My lips touched his and he jumped a little bit but didn't move back. I just sat there for about three seconds, not knowing what to do. Then, I jumped back, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that!" I apologized to him.

"Is that what you want?" He asked me slowly. I was surprised and didn't know how to answer. "Um, I think so?" I said more as a question.

The next thing I knew, he started leaning in again. Is this happening? I could feel his breath against mine. We stopped for a second and then he pushed his lips against mine. We moved in sync for some time. I remembered what my sister said about his neck. But is it too soon?

I felt his tongue touch my lips. What does that mean? Do I open my mouth? He put his hands in my hair and pulled. That made me gasp and he put his tongue in my mouth. We started lightly making out. I thought maybe I could trail down to his neck so I did.

I moved from his lips and started traveling down to his jaw and then to his neck. I kissed him a couple of times on his neck and then just laid my head on his shoulder and sat for a second.

"That was great. Your first time?" He asked me. "What is obvious?" I thought I did good. "Nah, it was fine," he said unconvincingly. "Maybe if we do it more often, I can get better," I told him. He nodded enthusiastically.

"But right now, I think we should sleep." He's right. "I agree."

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