Chapter 1

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         I woke up disoriented on some random beach, coughing and struggling to get air. I felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of my lungs. When I finally regained my senses, my vision was still sort of blurry. I could make out a few things: a couple of trees, the water, and some birds in the sky. I started feeling dizzy and I passed out again.

    *24 Hours Ago* {Oliver's p.o.v.}
       Hearing the sound of my alarm, I woke up and got ready for the day. Regrettably, I told my brother I would drop him off at his friend's house, after that my mom wants me to go shopping for groceries, and later, I'm supposed to go fishing with my friend, Devin. I already don't enjoy fishing and I also hate boats, but I told him I would go so now I can't back out.

      "Daniel, get up or I'm not taking you!" I yelled while going to make my coffee. "You're so extra sometimes," Daniel says from behind me while rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Get up by yourself and I won't have to be." I finished making my coffee and we left to drop him off.

    {time skip to when he's grocery shopping}
      I really hate grocery shopping. I don't like people that much because I always feel like everyone is judging me. Even though I judge everyone else, but we don't have to talk about that. I got everything on my mom's list(plus a few things I just had to have) and went home to change.

      When I got home, my sister was just lazing around in front of the tv. "Avery, come help me unload the groceries," she wasn't going to until she saw the candy I got for her. She pulled out my five-pound bag of sour patch kids. "What in the world do you even need this for? Sour patch kids are gross." I just laughed and finished putting away the rest of the groceries.

    Considering where I am going, I changed into some of my old clothes which I don't mind getting dirty. Being January, it's kind of chilly today, so I packed a jacket in my backpack just in case. I saw the time and quickly put my shoes on and ran out the door.

    When I arrived, Devin already had the boat in the water, ready to be unloaded. "Bout damn time, man," Devin said as soon as I stepped out of the truck. When we finished getting everything out of our trucks that we needed, we unhooked the boat and drove to the lake. We found a good spot and just waited.

We sat for some time and I felt a bite. I reeled it in and pulled it in the boat. It was only a small brim but I noticed something on it. There was a black rope bracelet with three blue beads in the middle. I took it off and put it on my wrist.

After a while of nothing else happening, we started getting bored. Devin pushed me a little, so I pushed him back. Then we got the smart idea to start roughhousing and pushing each other back and forth. I jumped on the seat and walked back to get away from him but I didn't know that there was a cleat right where I was stepping. My foot caught it just right and I started falling. The last thing I heard was Devin yelling my name before I hit my head on the side of the boat and passed out.

{Oliver's mom's p.o.v}
While I was cooking dinner, my phone started ringing. I looked at the screen to see that it was Devin, Oliver's friend. I was confused as to why he was calling me because he rarely ever does. "Mrs. Brenda, I don't know what to do. We were pushing each other around and Oliver fell off of the boat. I can't find him, what am I supposed to do?" He rambled and I felt like I couldn't breathe, I didn't know what to do and the first thing that came to my mind was to call my husband. Panicked, I responded "stay right there and I'm going to call Jonathan. Just please try to keep looking but be careful."

Quickly, I dialed my husband's number, and when he answered, I didn't even know what to say. "Jonathan, Oliver fell off the boat and they can't find him. I don't know what to do." At this point, I was sobbing and I don't even know if he could understand me but I just want to find my son. "I'm coming to pick you up. I'm calling the police to help find him."

{Narrator's p.o.v}
After hours of the police, Oliver's parents, and his sister looking, Oliver was nowhere to be found. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we can't continue the search. We're going to have to declare him dead." {author here: idk if that's how it actually works but I couldn't figure it out, sorry. If y'all know then you can comment and I'll try to change it.}

{Brenda's p.o.v}
"We're going to have to declare him dead." I can't believe I just heard those words. I immediately fell to my knees and tried to scream but nothing came out. "He's not dead, he's not dead, he's not dead." I kept on muttering that same sentence over and over in my head. I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard Jonathan start speaking, "It's okay, I'm right here." I could hear his voice shaking but I could tell he was trying to keep from crying. Avery came over and we all sat there crying for what felt like hours.

. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .

{Oliver's p.o.v}

       I woke up disoriented on some random beach, coughing and struggling to get air. I felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of my lungs. When I finally regained my senses, my vision was still a little blurry. I could make out a few things: a couple of trees, the water, and some birds in the sky. I started feeling dizzy and I passed out again.

     When I regained consciousness, I was still on the same beach. The only problem was that the sun was setting. I have no idea where I am or what happened last when suddenly I got a flashback of all the events leading up to the moment that I fell off the boat. "Where am I?" I thought, trying my hardest to figure out where the hell I am. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a twig snap. I didn't see anything so I just assumed it was a squirrel or something.

      Realizing it was getting darker by the minute, I went into the forest to try and find some kind of shelter. I found a nice spot and built a fire and made the best makeshift bed I could. I was getting creeped out because I kept thinking someone was watching me. With it being dark, I just assumed I was being paranoid and tried to ignore it and go to sleep.

     The night was cold and I woke up shivering. When I opened my eyes, the only thing I saw were two big eyes leaning over me. I gave out a panicked shriek. The creature jumped back and said "what was that for? You act like you've never seen an elf before." "Elf?" I thought. Elves aren't real, they're only fantasy creatures told in fairytales or little helpers for Santa. I didn't realize I was staring at the creature.

     "Why are you looking at me like that? You look like a creep." I don't even know if this is real. "Who are you?" He asked me. "You tell me and I'll tell you," I retaliated.

"Fine, my name is Kaidon."

───── ❝ A/N ❞ ─────

The first chapter, I'm pretty excited! Tell me what you think. I know it probably sucks, I'm not very creative and I'm not good at writing.

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