Chapter 8

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{Oliver's p.o.v}
Today, Kai had stuff to do, but he made me stay in his room. After a while, I got hungry, so I decided to go to the kitchens and find food. On my way to the kitchens, I got stopped by his father. "Hello. Oliver, right?" All I did was nod, hoping he would leave after that.

"Since you're here, would you mind helping me with something?" I couldn't do anything but agree. I mean, he's the king. He led me to the library and he sat down at the desk. On the desk, there were many maps with many different places. "I was looking through these maps out of curiosity. And I just can't find your kingdom. What was it? Americania?" He asked me. I gulped and tried not to look as nervous as I felt. What do I say? I don't know where it is either.

"Unless of course, you're lying to me. But you surely wouldn't do that, would you?" He looked at me with squinted eyes and for a short second, he looked shocked but hid it. I just shot out a quick, "No sir," and tried to stay calm.

"Well then, I didn't think so. These maps aren't always as up-to-date as they should be. Would you like some tea?" He asked me innocently. I have to say yes, but I don't want to. Can I trust him? Why did he look shocked? "Um sure please."

We sat there silently while drinking the tea. After a few drinks, I felt like my ears were being tugged. The last time I felt that was when Kai gave me that potion to grow them. Wait, does that mean the king just gave me a potion?

"So, since you did lie to me. What are you doing in our world, human? You have no business here," he started, "Are you here to hurt my son? Are you here to take him and run tests back on your world?" How did he figure it out?

"No sir, it was an accident. I didn't mean to," I said sincerely, hoping he'll believe me. "There you go, lying again. Guards!" He yelled. "Take him away." What?! No! I need Kai!

{Kai's p.o.v}

I was walking back to my father's office to report about today's events when I heard a commotion coming from the assembly room. "What's going on?" I said out loud to myself. When I walked into the room, I heard everyone shouting about a human. What? Are they talking about Oliver? How did they find out?!

I quickly ran to the dungeons and found Ollie. Two guards were standing in front of his cell. "Leave me, I will talk with the prisoner alone," I demanded. "But prince, are you sure that's a good idea?" I gave them a warning look and they walked out.

"Ollie, what happened?" I asked him. "Your father found out. I don't know how but he did. I'm sorry Kai, I tried but he kept asking questions and then he gave me some tea that was actually a potion and my ears went back to normal." He explained frantically.

Right then, my father walks in. "Kaidon, what are you doing down here? Did you know of this?" He questioned me. "Father, you have to let him out. He's innocent. He didn't mean to come here, it was an accident! Please, Father," I begged him. "So you knew there was a human in our world? And you just let him roam around? Do you No understand how dangerous this is?!"

"I'm sorry, Father, I would have told you. But he doesn't mean any harm-" He cut me off, "That's enough. He is a prisoner and it will stay that way until further notice." Further notice is never good.

"Wait! Father, I love him!" My father stopped and stiffened some. Oliver looked a little shocked as well, we've never said we love each other. "What did you say?" My father sounded mad.

"What have you done to my son?!" He yelled at Oliver. Oliver went stiff and his face was full of fear. "Father, he didn't do anything! Don't blame him!" He turned to me, "You keep your mouth shut. For all I know, he could have brainwashed you!" He yelled and I retreated back. My father is scary and I know not to mess with him but I need to do something.

He kept yelling at Oliver and I looked around for something to help. Then, I saw a sword hanging up on the wall. I grabbed it and ran in front of my father. "Father, stop!" I paused, "Don't do this! He hasn't done anything. I fell in love with him and he fell in love with me. There was no brainwashing or force. He hasn't done anything to harm me! If you touch him, I will not hesitate to slice you!"

My father was taken aback by this. I don't blame him, I've never stood up to him before. "Get over here," my father said as he grabbed me and yanked me over where Ollie couldn't hear us. He had a scary look on his face.

"What has gotten into you? You are too young to know what real love is!" He whisper yelled at me. That's such bullshit. "You married Mother at my age and not to mention that she was also a human!" As soon as I said that, his eyes went wide and he took a step back.

"How did you know that?" He asked me. "What, you thought you could hide it forever? I found her death certificate. Nice to know you lied to your own children." I saw his face red with either anger or embarrassment, or maybe both. "You were never supposed to learn that. It doesn't matter anyway. She didn't come here to hurt us." Wow. "Neither did Oliver! Don't you see?! It was all an accident! I've told you already!"

I was getting frustrated, but then I got an idea. I quickly grabbed his keys off his belt and ran to unlock Oliver's door. When I unlocked the cell, my father was standing and watching. He didn't even try to stop me. "If you want to be a father and listen to me, you know where to find me. We'll explain everything in a calm and mature manner."

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