Chapter 5

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{Kai's p.o.v}
Last night, I couldn't fall asleep. I was thinking about Oliver the whole time. He's usually pretty weird but last night, he acted even more weird than usual.

-Flashback to last night-
My sister called me into her room, so I went to see what she wanted. When I got back in my room, Oliver was sitting on my bed in a weird position. I tried to ignore him like I usually do but as I walked around the room, he just kept staring at me the whole time. "Do you want something from me?" I asked. "Oh no, not at all. Do you want something?" He asked with a suggestive eyebrow. What is up with him? "No. Can you please stop staring at me? It's getting late, let's go to bed."
-end of flashback-

Now I don't know what to do because I think I do like him. It's the only explanation for how I've been thinking and feeling. The only problem is, I don't know if he likes me back. I mean, he's always "flirting" with me but that could just be him playing around. I don't know for sure if he's serious or not. I can't just up and ask him though because that'd be awkward if he doesn't.

I'm so confused by everything. I've never liked anyone before. It sounds crazy, I know. But no one has ever just caught my eye, and around here no one cares about man and man or girl and girl so I don't have to worry about that. Oliver told me stories about people over in his world that will abuse other people just for the people they like. That's just awful.

"Kai!! Where are youuu??" Oh no, here comes trouble. "Oh, I found you. Are you hiding from me? That's not a very nice thing to do to your future lover." I tried not to blush as he said that. "No, I'm not hiding. What do you want?" I asked. "Can we go fishing? Please??" He begged. "I don't know how to fish. I don't think so." At this, he frowned. "Come on, please? I'll teach you. It's real easy. I swear." I can't help but give in. "Ok fine," I say while rolling my eyes. I do that too much these days.

When we got to the lake, Oliver was giddy with excitement. I've never seen him so excited. "Why are you so happy? Is it even that fun?" I asked him. "Uh duh. Are you crazy? Actually, now that I think about it. It's not, but that's okay. We'll have fun." I doubt that.

"Alright so first, get the pole and you have to bait it. So take this worm and shove it on the hook." His whole explanation just sounds weird. But I took the worm and attempted to put it on the hook. Keyword "attempted". He had to end up doing it. "Ok so now you hold it like this," as he said this, he went flat up against my back and put my hands in the right spot. I stiffened up and didn't even hear what else he was saying. All I could hear was my heart beating loudly.

"-and then you pull back like this and cast it out." He finished explaining and sadly, pulled away from me to do his own fishing. We sat for a little while quietly. Then he started humming a song I didn't know. "So are you enjoying it yet?" He asked me. "Sure, it's pretty peaceful." After that, it went back quiet for a second, until I felt a little tug on my hands. I was confused for a second until Oliver jumped up and got excited, "Reel it in! You got a fish!"

I started turning the thing he told me to and the fish started getting closer. Once I got it up to me, I held it with the string. "Do you want to take it off or me?" As in touch the fish? No. "Um, you can do that." He slid his hand down the fish and pulled the hook out. After that, he threw it back out. Apparently, it wasn't big enough to keep.

"Good job! You caught your first fish! I wish I could take a picture!" He seemed so excited. "Thanks! You're right, it was fun. But now I'm hungry, do you want to go back and get some food?" He nodded and we headed back to the village.

-Later That Night-
After today's events, I was a bit tired, but Oliver wanted to get more to eat. He eats too much. He's gonna get fat. When he came back to my room, he had something in his hand. It turned out to be a bottle of Feywine. I don't know how he managed to get his hands on that.

"Hey, what is this? Is it alcohol?" He asked. "Yes, it is. And it's probably very strong for you," I told him. Elven drinks are said to be stronger than human drinks. "Let's drink then!"

After just a cup, Oliver was drunk off his ass. He's over here blurting out anything and everything. He literally flirted with my desk chair. This guy is going to have an awful hangover tomorrow.

"Hey, Kai. I have a secret. Shhh," he put his finger to his lips in a shush motion. "I don't think you should go spewing secrets while you're drunk," I told him. "It's okay. This is about you." This won't be good. "Guess what your highness," he says, "I like you. Like a lot." More of the flirting. I knew he didn't mean it but I still felt myself blush.

"Just go to sleep. You need rest," I told him. "What? You don't believe me? I can prove it." With that, he moved to kiss me but this time, I was fast enough and moved over. "Ollie, you need to sleep. You can have my bed tonight. I'll go get you some water," I tried to convince him. "Can I come with you? Please??" He begged me.

"Fine, come on." He jumped up excitedly. After getting the water, we came back to my room and I finally managed to make him lie down. "Kai, can you please sleep with me? I'll be all lonely." He looks so cute. But no, I have to stay strong. "Ollie, I don't think so. Just go to sleep, I'll sit here beside you until you fall asleep." He seemed satisfied with this and closed his eyes. After about five minutes, I heard soft snores so I went to the couch and fell asleep.

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