Chapter 7

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{Oliver's p.o.v}
Last night was such a surprise. I thought he didn't like me. Every time I flirt with him, he just rolls his eyes or ignores me. But I thought a lot and since we both like each other, the next thing we're supposed to do is get together. Isn't it?

So today, I'm gonna ask him. I don't know how he'll respond though. Right now, I'm just laying here, waiting for him to wake up. I convinced him to let me sleep with him last night. Usually, I just sleep on his couch, but he finally let me in his bed last night.

At first, it was a little awkward because I didn't know what was okay and what wasn't. I didn't know where to lay or anything but then, he fell asleep and rolled over to cuddle me. So I didn't have to worry about it.

I heard a sound next to me, Kai woke up. "Morning," I told him. Good morning, Ollie." Ollie?! That was so cute. I didn't know he would say that. Just stay cool. "How was your sleep?" I asked him. "It was fine. Better waking up with you," he said with a smile.

After he woke up a bit more, we went to brush our teeth and I convinced him to lay in bed for a bit longer. "So, I have a question," I started, "We both clearly like each other. So, we should- you know- maybe get together? Like boyfriends maybe?"

He looked shocked but kind of excited maybe. "Really?! Like dating and everything? I agree we should!" He said excitedly. I nodded with enthusiasm. I leaned into him, and he seemed to take the hint and leaned in too. We kissed for a few seconds, then I touched his lips with my tongue. This time, he opened his mouth and I let my tongue roam his mouth.

I tugged on his hair a little and he let out a small gasp. We started leaning back and I went down to his neck and started kissing. After a few kisses, I sucked and bit a little. He let out a small breath and tugged on my hair.

After getting caught up in the moment, I realized that maybe we should take it slow. So, I pulled away and looked into his eyes. We sat there for a second and then he hugged me. We stayed like that for some time, until he said he needs to get up and go do his chores in the village.

-Later That Day-
Me and Kai have been walking through the village all day, finding people to help and stuff to do. Now, we're at the library, dusting and organizing stuff. "I'm so bored. There's a lot of dust and books. Maybe we should just make out and forget about this?" I asked with a suggestive smirk. "No, focus and it'll be done quicker," he told me but he gave me a peck on the lips. I guess that can tide me over till later.

I looked up at the clock to see what time it is and realized that it hasn't even moved since we got in here. I bet I can fix that. I'm a smart person. So, I went over and started messing with it. But when I moved the pendulum, I heard something that sounded like sliding.

Looking around, I saw a small entranceway that wasn't there before. "Hey, Kai?" He hummed in acknowledgment. "Where does this lead?" He looked over and his face turned into one of confusion. "I don't know, I've never seen it before. Where did it come from?" He asked me.

"I was just messing with this clock, and it opened. Let's go in!" I said excitedly. "I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe we should just stay here and finish our job," he seemed nervous. "I'll keep you safe, it's okay. Let's go!" This looks interesting. There's no time to be scared.

When we walked through, it was just another room full of more books and journals and stuff. But these books looked older and more used. All around the walls, there were shelves of books and in the middle of the room was just a wooden desk. It had old maps on it with all the different villages and kingdoms. As I was looking around, I looked straight ahead. On the top shelf, there was a wooden box. I took it down and the lock was broken.

"Hey look, this looks interesting," I said to Kai. "Ollie, I don't think this is a good idea. This might be my dad's. He'll get upset if he finds out we messed with his stuff." Such a worry wart. "It's okay, he'll never know," I told him.

In the box was nothing special. There were just more journals, some notes, and a more official-looking paper. I took it out and read over it. "Hey, Kai! This is your mom's death certificate," I told him. He didn't seem that interested but took it anyway and read over it. "Wait, this doesn't make sense. This says she died from cancer." Dang, that's bad. "Why doesn't it make sense? My aunt died from cancer too." I know of a lot of people who have had cancer. "Yeah, but elves can't get cancer. It's biologically impossible. Maybe Varda will know, she reads about a lot of this stuff." So we went to her room to ask her.

"Varda? Read this." He handed her the paper. As she read through it, her eyebrows furrowed and she looked confused just like Kai. "This is impossible, she couldn't have had cancer. It's said that only humans can get that." Unless- "What if she was a human?" I added to the conversation to see if it made sense, "Wait, Varda, didn't you say that there was recorded one other person who crossed the barrier to this world?" I asked her.

"Well, yea. But why wouldn't she ever tell us? Or why wouldn't father ever tell us?" Maybe. "Did the book ever say anything about how they got here?" I asked hopefully. "Let me look." She pulled out three different books and put them all on the right page, then told us to each read through and see if we could find anything.

"Here!" Varda says suddenly, "This says that it could be possible by a certain bracelet made from the beads of a Larimar stone. This says that there's only one existent in the world." She turned the book to show us a picture of the stone. Wait. "Do you mean this bracelet?" (A.N - a pic of the bracelet is at the end of the chapter) I pulled up my sleeve and showed them the bracelet that I got from the fish on the day I fell off the boat.

"Where did you get that?" Kai asked me. "The day I fell off the boat and came here, I found this on a fish and put it on. I just assumed it was a random bracelet from a kid or something," I told them honestly.

"That's gotta be it! Wait, but I don't remember ever seeing mom wear a bracelet like that," Varda said. We both turned to Kai and he was still looking at the bracelet. "Mom gave me that bracelet before she died. I thought I lost it, I was so upset," Kai said with tears welling up.

"So it was mom's. That has to be how it happened. It explains you getting here and how she would get sick," Varda pieced together out loud. "Wait," Kai said, "So this must be how you get home. This whole time, all you had to do was jump deep in the ocean."

"So I can go home? Just like that?" Why don't I feel excited? "But I don't want to yet. Kai, we just started to figure this out and there's so much here. I don't want to go," I told him. "I know, but what about your family? Don't you think they miss you? And you can't stay here forever. You're not even an elf."

"Can't I just wait a little longer? I can't leave yet. I need more time. Please?" I begged him. "Fine. But we need to be careful and not much longer." I nodded curtly.

───── ❝ A/N ❞ ─────

The bracelet -

The bracelet -

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