Chapter 3

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{Oliver's p.o.v} -next day-

Today, Kai said I am meeting his dad (aka the king). I'm a bit scared because if I make one wrong move then I could apparently die. Kai said to only talk when I'm spoken to and I'm not very good at doing that.

We're on our way to a meeting that he has to be in. I convinced him to let me sit with him if I'm quiet. "You look cute today," I said while smirking. His eyes went wide a little and he looked at me alarmed. "What are you talking about? Don't say stuff like that or people will think stuff." So I just replied with, "Maybe I want them to think stuff." As I said that, I gave him an eyebrow flash. "Just shut up and keep walking." I'll get him again later.

We walked into a large room with a big table and he sat down so I followed. We sat there for a little bit and random people walked in, greeted Kai, and sat down. Then, someone else walked in and everyone stood up so I did too. "Welcome, King Faikion," one person said. Oh gosh, this is his dad. The king bowed his head and everyone sat down besides Kai. "Father, I have someone who wants to meet you," Kai said to him and I turned and smiled at the king.

"Good afternoon, my son. Who is it?" He asked. "This is Oliver. He's from a foreign kingdom called," he paused for a second, "Americania." Kai seemed a bit nervous as well but he kept his ground. The king turned to me and looked over me with a meticulous look. "Welcome Oliver, what brings you here?" He still seemed a bit wary. I had no idea how to answer that question. "Um well... I've heard of you from across the villages and wanted to meet you myself. Your majesty."

A smile broke out on his face. "Well welcome to the village. I hope my son can be of help to show you around." I bowed my head and we all sat down. Kai seemed pleased with the whole exchange.

-after the meeting-
We were on our way into the village to do whatever Kai had to do and a question rose up in my mind. "So Kai, that was your dad. But where is your mom?" His mouth went into a small frown. "Oh um, she died about a year ago." He looked like he was trying to stay happy. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Were you close?" I couldn't help but ask. "Yea, we were. She was probably my best friend. You see, I don't have many friends as the prince. Everyone hates me because they think I'm entitled." That's dumb, he doesn't even act rude.

"I don't think you act entitled, so at least you've got one friend." As I said this, I saw an opportunity, "Or you know, we could be more than friends if that makes you happier." He didn't enjoy my remark and smacked me in the back of the head then walked ahead a little bit.

Kai was doing all of his chores and duties while I followed him around. Occasionally I would try to help him but he wouldn't let me. Kai helped a woman clean her house and held her baby for a little bit. We continued on our way through the village. "You look really cute holding a baby. Maybe someday you can hold ours," I said to him with a smirk on my face. I saw his ears turn red as he just scoffed and sped up some.

We got back to the palace and Kai was called by his father to do something. He wouldn't let me go, so I decided to find his sister and talk to her.

"Hi your brother is busy, can I bother you until he gets done?" Varda looked at me and smirked like she knew something I didn't. "Sure come on in," she said with a welcoming smile. "So I have a question that I've been wanting to ask. How did you get here?" I've been wondering the same thing. "I don't know," I responded honestly. "I was in a boat with my friend and I tripped over something then bumped my head and fell in the water. When I woke up I was on a beach and Kai was standing over me."

"I see," she said while furrowing her eyebrows. "I've read about some way of transportation through the water but it doesn't say how to do it. Only one other person has done it but they died before anyone could figure out how. They don't even know the name of the person." She really does read a lot. "Well I don't know anything about it but I also have a question," since Kai won't tell me, I bet she will.

"Does Kai have anyone he's interested in?" She smirked and raised a brow at me. "Nope, not that I know of. He's a lonely man." Nice to know. "Ok well, I'd better get back before he does." "Bye, have fun with my brother."

-in Kai's room-
I got to his room and sat at his desk to wait. After about 10 minutes, the door opened and I smelled food. "Hey sorry I took so long. But I brought food to make up for it. It's Blackbark soup." As in a tree? That's odd. "Oh yay. I love eating trees."

"Why did you say it like that? This is the best in the village." I just shrugged my shoulders and started eating.

After we ate, Kai started drawing something and sat beside his desk and watched. For some reason, I got a big jump of courage and had an idea. "Kai." He turned to me. "You've got something on your face." Then I leaned in and tried to kiss him real fast. The thing is, I expected him to jump back but he didn't act fast enough and I actually kissed him. I was going to pull back but I just couldn't. He didn't either.

{Kai's p.o.v}
I turned and suddenly felt lips on mine. I was so confused and didn't know what to do. Feeling his lips felt so right for some reason and I couldn't pull back no matter how much I wanted to. After a few seconds, I finally regained my senses and jerked back. "Why did you do that?" I frantically asked him. "I thought you would move, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to actually happen." This is so awkward now

"Let's just forget about it and go to bed." He seemed hurt but tried to hide it. "Ok, Goodnight." This couldn't get worse. Why would he even try that? That was stupid. Hoping sleep would come fast, I closed my eyes and tried to forget about what just happened.

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