obvious Love~ (S1)

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Sniper_Bird: request 1

The Request was: something with wither husbands, S1 maybe something with Gem Getting mad at Sausage?...

Yeah i couldn't think abt the gem getting mad at sausage So... 

Also idk what the hell to do for the title of this page so i went with the first thing to come to mind lol


*Sausages pov*


"Your going out together... on a date" Gem said "Yup!" I said "Finally! iv'e been waiting for you two to confess to each other for months now!" Gem said "...Was it that obvious that we liked each other...?" Fwip asked "Yes, it really was really obvious" gem said "Well were going to go now..." fwip said "Ok but don't do anything i wouldn't do!" Gem said "i think i crossed that line when i got a date" fwip said and then grabbed my hand and started running "i-...FWIP!!!" Gem yelled but Me and fwip just kept running... after a few minutes we stopped running and caught are breath..... "So what you wanna do now?" I asked "hm... Get something to eat maybe..?" Fwip said "Good idea!" I said so we went and got something to eat and just went a walk after we got something to eat... After a little while of just walking and talking and we ended up walking to my kingdom aka Mythland... "...So Wanna watch a movie in my bed and eat popcorn while cuddling?" I asked when we got close to my 'house'... "Sure, that sounds fun!" Fwip said so we went inside and i made some popcorn and then we picked a movie "So what should we watch?" i asked "hmm... I don't know... you can pick the movie!" Fwip said "Ok then...Wanna watch...Shrek?" I asked "Sure!" Fwip said so we watch Shrek and a few other movies until we both fell asleep


some random quotes as a bonus <3

Sausage: :)

Fwip: >:(

Sausage: Turn that frown upside down!

Fwip: ):<

Sausage: Not sure what I was expecting...

Sausage: You look good in that hoodie.

Fwip: You know where else I'd look good?

Sausage, zero hesitation: My bed.

Fwip, at the same time: By you're side- wait, what? 

Fwip: I want to kiss you.

Sausage, not paying attention: What?

Fwip: I said if you die, I wont miss you. 

Sausage: Two bros!

Fwip: Chillin' in a hot tub!

Sausage: Zero feet apart 'cause we're GAY AS FUCK!

Fwip: There are 20 letters in the alphabet, right?

Sausage: Nope, there's 26.

Fwip: Ah, I must have forgotten U, R, A, Q, T.

Sausage: Aww, that's cute, but you're still missing one.

Fwip: You'll get the D later ;)

Also Sniper_Bird Is this good??? and sorry for the wait...

Post date: 2/14/2023

Word Check: 435

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