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*Jimmy's pov*


I was just talking with my Best bud in my empire and then i felt someone hug me from behied and i flinched and then looked and saw Scott- Just A total mess- and then he said "Im having a really realy bad day... and i just.. jsut need a hug..

 and you're the only one i feel comfturable just randomly comeing and just hugging out of nowear..." Scott Softly mumbled while just buriering(Lol not too sure if this is Right! XD) his face into my back- 

"...hug me all you like! I hope your day goes better after this!" i said softly to Scott and he just slightly nodded and i just look back at joel "So- What were you saying?" I asked and joel just laughed a bit and then counited our conversaytion like Scott wasn't hugging me-

after awhile of Scott just hugging me and me and joel couniteing our conversayion, Scott fell Asleep- and luckily didn't fall backwards into the ground and i just looked at him and looked at joel and said- "He fell asleep-.. Im going to go put him on my bed- i will come back-" I stated and then just carefully and easily picked him and then brought him to my room and

just layed him on my bed and put my blanket over him and then turned around and was about to leave- but he grabbed my wrist and somehow strongly tugged me into my bed and then just cuddled into me-

and i just pulled out my phone and didn't look where i was sending this- 


Sheiff that on a V arc: "...Scott is very strongong whyill asleep-..." 

Strong, Tall, Very Sexy God: "Jimmy- what happend???? You Just left to put Scott in your bed and your saying this???? WHat HAppend- Also u do know everyone can see this-?"

Sheiff that on a V arc: "Scoot grabed myhand and then some how easyly just pulled me intot he bed- and thenc uddled intom e-... An- No- i dint" 

Strong, Tall, Very Sexy God: "...Yknow i would say your just really light- but like ur not and Scott doesn't seem like the one to be strong- and he's ASLEEP!- So- idfk how that happend- and damn- everyones reading this now." 

Sheiff that on a V arc: "...ima jsut go tos lep."

*Sheiff that on a V arc went offline*


When i left i turned off my noitfactions and then just stuggled to take off my shoes and then took off my hat- and then tried to take off anything else thats uncromfterble, without waking Scott- and then after that i just layed their and fell asleep after awhile-



Post date: 4/25/2023

Word Check: 446

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