happy birthday jimmy~! (S2)

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Yall it's May 18, And it's Jimmy solidarity B-day~ 

Time for some birthday shit and flowerhusbands Fluff~

And in this Au, it's a future au- So like last future au,  and yes 5 or so years into the future- and Scott and jim are married- and yeah! :d


*Scott's pov*


I woke up cuddled to jimmy, and got up and then went to the kitchen and glanced at the Calender, it was May 18th- Jimmy's Birthday! (DamniT- I DOn'T HAVE A PRESENT FOR HIMM!!!!!) I thought and then carefully went to my room and Got dressed, and then left a note on 

the nightstand saying, 

'Happy Birthday Sunflower~                                                                                        if im gone it's because I need to go get some stuff for today! I'll see ya when i get back,

 Love your Petal, Scott~'

and then i went to the kitchen to see if we need stuff to bake a cake- and we did need the stuff so i grabbed my purse and then headed out the door, and then flew off to the market. Once i got there went into the store, 

and looked at things to get jimmy. After quite a bit of aguring with myself over what he would like, i got him a canary plush that was holding a poppy in it's mouth, and had a sunflower on the top!

and i thought it was perefct seeing that jimmy's favoirte bird is a canary, and his favoirte flower is a poppy, and then his favortre nickname i called him was the sunflower! so i picked it up and put it in my shopping cart and then went to 

buy supplies for a cake! after that i was about to checked out and go home, but i saw really cute bokay of poppies and so grabbed it and bought it aswell, and then went home, and when i got there jimmy was awake and cooking-

and he didn't noitce me so i gentually put down his gift and the supplies for the cake and kinda hide it behied the supiles and and i just siletnly walked up behied him and hugged him, "Hi~ Im back~ Did you get my note or did you not see it?" I said/asked 

and he giggled "I saw it!" jimmy stated and turned around and i gave him the bokay! "Awee- This is cute-" jimmy said and i laughed "you sound like me right now!!!" I laughed and he also laughed "it must be a side effect to be married to you!" Jimmy said laughing 

"Maybe~ Maybe not, We'll never know!" i stated as jimmy counited to laugh, "Now- thoses poppies are just an extra gift~" I stated and then turned around and picked up the plush, and turned around and held it out, 

"ta da~!!! I got you this!" I stated and he just stared at it- smiled goofily and then took it- "AW- it's Adorable!!! AND IT EVEN HAS-" jimmy stated "I know right! I saw it and was like- Yup thats What im Getting you!" I stated

 "Like seriously- this was just made for me!" Jimmy stated still looking at it and then i picked up the supplies for the cake and put it on the counter- and then quickly stirred the food, as jimmy completely forgot about it- 

"im taking over at Cooking breakfast." I stated and jimmy looked at me- "I forgot i was cooking-" jimmy stated and i laughed "I figured that already!" I stated and continued to take over cooking. "Ima go put this on our bed!" Jimmy stated

and walked off. -time skip to when Scott was done cooking- 

When i got done cooking i made me and jimmy both a plate and set it on the table, "Jimmy!! Breakfast is done!!" I yelled, and jimmy soon came down the stairs and sat down at the table and started eating.

-time skip to when they done eating- After i was done eating i went into the kitchen and started making a cake! after a bit of mixing i put it in a pan and then put it in the oven and set a timer,  and then started to get the decore things ready!

and after everything was ready and the cake still having a good amount of time left in the oven, i then deicded to do the dishes sense they were dirty- and really needed to be cleaned, While i was cleaning then the oven beeped- "...Um- JIMMY!!!!" I yelled and he came into the kicten, "Can you please pull the cake out of the 

oven..?" I asked "Of course i can-" jimmy stated and then opened the oven and was about to just grabbed it without oven mits- "JIMMY NO-" I screamed and he stopped and looked at me- "huh-?!" jimmy said clearly confused- 

"YOUR- Your Gonna Burn yourself- Use the Oven mits." I stated and then gesture with my head towards it as i scrubbed the plate in my hands clean. "Oh- yeah- Um thats a good idea-" Jimmy stated "Yeah- It is a good idea not to accidentally burn yourself on your Birthday." I stated rolling my eyes a bit.

"Yeah- that would've made this a bad birthday-" jimmy stated as he pulled out the cake from the oven and put it on the counter, "do you want help or?" jimmy asked "Nah, i can haddle this." i stated "You sure?" Jimmy asked

"Jimmy i've delt with stuff way worst the chores- and making a cake." i stated "Ok- um i'll go back to what i was doing then." jimmy stated "Ok, Love you~" I stated "Love you to~" jimmy said as he walked out of the kitchen,

after i was done with the dishes, i made sure my hands were clean before starting on decorating the cake, and after i was done with that i called jimmy in and i sung happy birthday to him, and we had cake and then went to our room and watch a moive while cuddling on our bed, i ended up falling asleep before him.


Lmfao- Lost moitvation at the end- 

Anyways Happy Bday Jim!(even tho he ain't gonna ever read this XD) :D

also- idfk if i said thanks- but i noitce this had 6k yesterday or the day before- and was gonna do somthin but got discasted from it and so- thanking in this so i don't forget- XD

Post Date: 5/18/2023

Word Check: 1057

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