how in the- (S2)

83 6 12


*Group chat (called idiotic people)*

🦙 is 🏳‍🌈 & a🌈: uh- yall i made cookies- but i think i did something wrong-

👾 slaying princess: What do you mean you made them wrong?

🟢 + 👺= green Gobiln: did you burn them or somethin???

🦙 is 🏳‍🌈 & a🌈:  nooo-...

A Recap Guy: than they shouldn't be that bad-?

Just a silly Sheriff: Scott what did you do?

🦙 is 🏳‍🌈 & a🌈: ..well- the cookies are chunchy on the inside- but soft on the outside- 

Just a silly Sheriff: i'm not surprised- At All.

Are False: How Did you Possibly do that?!!

lighting 🧙: Did you use magic or something???? CUs i don't think thats possible-

 🐝👑 & 🧝🧑???: can i try one??

🦙 is 🏳‍🌈 & a🌈: Sure!! come over-! 

🟢 + 👺= green Gobiln: are we all invtited??..

🦙 is 🏳‍🌈 & a🌈: Y E S


hehe- Scott is just that type of person to do that somehow- XD

also- 10.1k veiws on this book- heh- thanks yall people?...

Post date: 12/2/2023

Word Check: 163

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