50K - Special: Mall

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"You sure?"

"Fucking hell, you shitty pigeon, yes I am. Let's get fucking going"

"Alright, alright, no need to be rude"


Going shopping should not be this big of a deal, honestly. While I usually liked to complete chores and errands on my own, the gaping hole in my wardrobe had been screaming at me to do something about it for weeks, so I supposed it was time for an excessive trip downtown. Sounds awesome, right? Uh-huh.

Now, I wouldn't say I had an avaricious streak, but since Keigo did seem to have an infinite amount of money at the tip of his fingers, it wouldn't do any harm to let him tag along for once.

I definitely didn't let him come because it was his birthday soon (the way his face had lit up when he found out I remembered had been honestly concerning. Ew.) or because he had been chewing off my ear about spending some time together for days.

If I decided to grace him with my company he might as well make himself useful and flash that little golden card of his.

All things considered, I was currently being dragged along by a way too excited, and also 'incognito' bird-man. One of my conditions had been "None of that fan-greeting shit, or I fucking swear...", and when the disguise he came up with were a pair of sunglasses and a cap, I had defeatedly rolled my eyes and allowed myself to layer a few genjutsu over him, making the two of us the only ones who could currently see the big-ass red winds flapping around his shoulders.

The mall Keigo had chosen was huge and in my humble opinion way too crowded for a Wednesday afternoon but oh well.

"Food!" He crowed excitedly and tugged at my wrist warmers. And when he said food, he didn't mean a grocery store to stock up on yogurt and other, less important things, but a full blown restaurant, with a menu decidedly longer than my remaining patience.

"No," was my only comment, and Keigo faltered only for a moment, before his attention apparently narrowed in on the food stall across the hall that offered 'HOTDOGS' as the sign above it proclaimed. Fine.


After stuffing our faces with several (admittedly tasty) hotdogs, we dropped by the grocery store to refill the giant fridge, because even though he had literal people hired to complete chores like this, Keigo insisted that "It's nice to for once deal with the mundane tasks of life". Sure. (Bastard)

"Sodo, this may come as a surprise for you, but we don't need seven cups of yogurt, okay- No! Put that back!"

Holding eye contact I reached out and dropped another two cups into our cart.

"Come on, man!"

My hand hovered over the shelf, inching closer to the next cup and I raised a mocking eyebrow.

"Fine, whatever," he groaned. "But I'm not paying for this!" Yes, he would.


"My clothes are fine."

"Yes, for an emotionally unavailable dumpster kid maybe."

"Okay fuck you"

"Here." Keigo grabbed something from the next best heap, tossing it at me. I caught the bundle of dark red fabric, in one hand while flipping him off with the other one. "That's better already."

I examined the bordeaux colored pair of sweatpants in my arms and nodded, unconvinced. "If you say so..."


"Oh. My. God!" Keigo's excited screech could mean nothing but suffering for me. Over the last hour, the birdie had snuck more and more pieces of clothing into my bag, mostly nondescript shirts in dark hues of green, red and grey, which were...okay, I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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