8 - Oh Kami, I miss my life as a rogue

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(A/N Yeah it's time for another update, took me long enough. Sorry. Not sure 'bout this one, it's okay i guess. Anyway, enjoy and leave some comments:)


Oh Kami, I miss my life as a rogue


My door flew open and I pressed my head into the grey pillow I was lying on.

"Piss off!" I scolded loudly.

"Now, now, Zara-kun~ Why are we in such a bad mood? ~" a high-pitched voice rang out that I couldn't place on either Keigo or Aizawa. Grumpily, I turned around and sat up with a gloomy look on my face. Just then a brown-haired man entered the room and right in front of me stood a small furry animal.

It was a...rat.

I blinked and backed away slightly, I had seen winged people and microwaves before, I was not going to be rattled by an upright walking animal. Still, I followed my body's automatic commands and moved into a loose defensive stance, within the blink of an eye.

"Good afternoon, Zara-kun~ How are you?" It can talk, I thought in shock. Why can it talk? It could rattle me, after all.

The animal didn't wait for an answer, but just continued.

"My name is Nezu and I am the headmaster of your new school! Call me Principal Nezu~", I just stood there and silently inspected the two unwanted guests

"This here is my friend and colleague, Detective Tsukauchi!", the rat squeaked. Aizawa now emerged behind the two and I furrowed my brows. Was this going to be a happy gathering in my room?

"I'm pleased to meet you." Tsukauchi said seriously and bowed. I wasn't. So I ignored him.

"Well, Zara-kun~ We'll to take a seat." the furry creature chirped and settled down at the desk I hadn't used once since I arrived. The man, detective or something, squatted down on a chair against the wall. I really should get rid of all these seats, I hated uninvited guests. As soon as one of them got on my nerves, I would kill him.

But first I dropped back onto the bed, crouched down cross-legged and pulled my sword out from behind the headboard. There it was always stored to have it ready at hand at any time.

I saw Aizawa, who had closed the door behind him, move into an attack position and realised with surprise that it had comparatively few gaps. Also Tsu...bauri? Rauchi? Lauchi? never mind, fumbled for a holster on his thigh.

Only the rat continued to stand relaxed, his hands clasped behind his back. I leaned against the wall and calmly began to grind the sword. When no one stirred, I looked up.

"Tsk, chill, nothing to worry about. At least not yet.", I muttered the last part quietly to myself, but at least Nezu had heard. Well, I couldn't care less,

"I like to take care of Kubikiri.", I continued, "grinding makes it sharper...more precise...faster..."

"...and deadlier." completed the rat. A narrow grin crept onto my face, making the detective shudder.


| ---,-'--,'--- |

I wouldn't go to school, not for anything in this rotten world. Well, if they took me back home, I could think about it, but no one had mentioned something like that. All they said was that they wanted to keep an eye on me and help me. Bullshit. They wanted to spy on me, test my abilities and lock me up. Because they were weak. Fucking little shits. All of them.

Keigs had sat me down in front of the glowing box one evening and made me read a few paragraphs from the 'code of law'.

Tsk, law, the only laws I'd been taught were 'Kill or be killed' and 'Eliminate, anyone you displease'. And that's where it failed, not only was I supposed to get dozens of pages about 'children's rights', and shit like that through my eyes, no, I was told that I wasn't allowed to kill. Not anyone. Not even if he disgusted me in the worst way.

Oh kami, I missed my life as a missing-nin.

So I went outside. I created a bunshin whose job it was to do a little training and slap a paper bomb in the face of anyone who tried to enter the room. Then I jumped out the window and started running down the wall on the shady side of the house, careful that no one noticed me.

It wasn't my first time outside Takami's agency, so I didn't jump in the air every time a metal box on wheels whizzed past me. They seemed unsafe and I inwardly vowed never to get into one of those things, but luckily they were loud, so I heard them several hundred metres before they reached me.

The city was huge. I wasn't quite sure yet how places this big could exist without being marked on the maps of the villages, but I knew I was a long way from home. It would take a hell of a lot of effort to find my way back, and by kami, when I did, I would tear that masked dude apart. Literally.

For several hours I wandered the streets and in that time observed a whole three clashes of very oddly dressed little people. Some of them had made it their goal to make fools of themselves by committing "crimes". Crimes - like stealing a handbag.

I almost peed myself laughing when one of these semi-villains spent half an hour discussing rights, prohibitions and his own problems with the so-called "hero", who was also dressed up like a complete lunatic.

At the end, when the, and I quote: 'cruel villain' made a half-serious attempt to escape, he stumbled...and flew right at the 'brave hero's' feet. Things are going downhill for humanity.

No wait, I think people here had already reached the ultimate low point.

Eventually, the hustle and bustle around these costumed heroes became too much for me and I ducked into more secluded, gloomier places.

Only those who thought they were tough were hanging around. Even though I knew they were all hypocrites and wimps, I was much more sympathetic to the smelly streets full of dodgy people. Especially since everyone here at least pretended not to care about laws and rules. Wonderful. That meant a little killing couldn't hurt.

So I found an area that didn't quite meet my standards but seemed adequate, yet my mood sank more and more noticeably.

The guy who turned into the alley, violently gasping for breath, was probably just unlucky to find me at this stage of rage. So, as he ran at me with a flashing blade in hand, swearing, I wheeled around and drew a kunai across his throat.

He went down instantly and his spurting blood speckled my white and grey bandages red.

At that moment, three more people entered the scene. They were men in suits, each holding one of those strange firearms that were everywhere and classified as 'very dangerous'.

Their chests were heaving too, they had probably been chasing my victim huh?

As soon as the men saw me, they stopped in their tracks but made no move to react further. So I let them watch as I briefly inspected the body and then wiped the bloody kunai on the man's trousers.

"Follow us", I lifted my head and raised an eyebrow.


"We might be able to make you an offer." For a few seconds I eyed the men more closely. They were acting a bit like the people back home that wanted to hire me for missions. I was actually bored anyway.

So I shrugged, buried both hands into my pockets and followed the men in suits.

(Hi, well this is another A/N lololol. I watched/read Naruto in german and missing-nins are called 'Nuke', idk what's the english version. I just googled and went with it.

Ngl 'missing-nin' sounds like shit but I don't really care)

EDIT: I change it to 'rogue' lmao


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