10 - You don't have to go to school, they said.

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Dude, please read the A/n at the end!

You don't have to go to school, they said.


I blinked.

I blinked again.

Then I slammed my fist into the wall next to the classroom entrance, leaving a small crater. Fuck.

Fucking shit.

You don't have to go to school for real, they said.

Oh yeah? Then why am I standing outside a goddamn classroom?

Think of it as a mission, they said. The fuck I will.

You're protecting the new generation of heroes, they said, and I wanted to bury them alive.

Oh Kami and fucking Jashin, do I care about a couple of spoiled, useless brats who can't take care of themselves? Do I? That's right: no.

There goes my life as an assassin again. I'm a bodyguard now. Babysitter,

Sighing, I adjusted the bandages in front of my mouth, ran my hands over all the hidden weapon pouches once out of reflex, then kicked the door open. With momentum. It slammed against the walls and I stood directly - really directly, we stared into each other's eyes - in front of the homeless man. He looked even more rundown up close. I pushed past him, into the room where dead silence reigned.

"Where can I sit down?"

| ---,-'--,'--- |

Between the bully and his victim. Of course. All right, Aizawa took offense to the homeless comment. And he apparently wanted to build a wall between the at every glance trembling greenhead and the yapping Chihuahua. Tsk. Kids.

The day went boringly and I had pretty much nothing to do. The assignments that were given were really not hard and I did well in all subjects. It was almost sad how slow the children here were with the material.

Didn't anyone know that you should get all this stuff in your head as long as your brain was young and flexible? The only problem for me was a subject called history. Back home at the academy, it was called History of the Five Great Nations and dealt with important battles, military leaders and special ninja arts, war formations and everything that was needed in the brutal life of a shinobi.

By the way, the exciting things like Battle analysis and Weak points of the human body were sadly not taught here.

I had little idea about Japanese culture and the art of cooking (DAMN cooking) of the 18th century. However I was more correct with guessed answers, which I scribbled listlessly on a sheet, than the stupid blond with the black strand.His seat neighbor, she had strange strings on her ears , regularly hit her head on the table, every time her friend said something completely wrong again.

Overall, it somehow made little sense that I was here, because as far as I had been told, it was only about the fact that yesterday the school gate was breached by the "press". One could definitely argue whether a babysitter was necessary because of that. However, I had already noticed that the government was damn paranoid when it came to the next generation of heroes, and to be honest, I had often taken orders from overly scared people in Kirigakure as well - They simply paid the best.

| ---,-'--,'--- |

When a loud bell rang, I immediately left the room. It wasn't that I would shirk my job, I just explored the school grounds first. If I was going to watch this class, I had to at least know where potential dangers existed. And to be honest, I really wanted to have some peace and quiet before I started babysitting.

Finally, I ended up on the roof, where I settled down for lunch. There was no one here and besides I had a good view of the grounds, which was rare. Why was this school so damn big, anyway?
I leaned against one of the huge chimneys that were connected to the support department with some distance to the edge of the roof. Not that I wouldn't survive a fall from the roof, however, like any properly trained shinobi, I possessed a good amount of paranoia and was loathe to sit on the edge of a roof with my back to people I couldn't locate, because the hadn't any chakra.

I had even packed some food - a bento box lovelessly put together by me - and in addition I swallowed a ration of food pills. I would always bring my own food in the future, if at all, because I refused to eat anything that had not been prepared in my presence.

The cafeteria was therefore out of question. When the door to the roof was opened, I grunted sullenly, but opened my left eye in half-hearted alarm and eyed the boy who was just entering my retreat. 

Oh, what a miracle, it was one of the kids from my class. Shoto Todoroki had two-colored hair and his eyes were heterochromatic. The burn scar on the left side of his face didn't look particularly dangerous, but it wasn't pleasant either. He was one of those with a striking ability, and above all, one of the problem children I would keep a closer eye on.

Fire and ice was a useful Quirk, but I had read in his file that he only used the latter. Tch, what a waste of talent. He was probably more of the silent variety, because he only nodded briefly in my direction, but otherwise paid no further attention to me. Instead he settled down several meters away to eat his lunch - which looked like soba noodles from over here.

| ---,-'--,'--- |

After the lunch break, the blue-haired class president forced the more or less enthusiastic students of 1-A to introduce themselves in line, along with their Quirk and age. Although I probably knew more about the health conditions than the individual boys and girls themselves, I listened with at least some interest.

Based on a person's manner of speaking and appearance, one could learn a great deal about their character. Such rounds of introductions were the perfect time for analysis. Just as the last person in line gave his name (Mezo Shoji) his age (15, like everyone else) and his Quirk (replica arms. - Date of birth: February 15 - Place of birth: Fukuoka Prefecture - Blood type: B), my eyes darted to the door.

A moment later, it opened and our sleepy sensei entered the classroom, yawning. Everyone immediately rushed back to their seats.

Aizawa stepped behind the desk and ran a hand through his hair. Then he placed some papers on the table and cleared his throat quietly.

"For today's seminar of heroology, it has been decided that All might, I, and one other person will monitor you." Just the name 'All might' caused excited murmurs among the students.

"Sensei, what are we practicing today?" came the question from right behind me. I assigned the voice to Hanta Sero without turning my head.

"Something you'll need in any emergency...", you could almost feel the kids leaning forward expectantly. Oh Kami-

"A rescue drill awaits you today!", with a grand gesture, the man held up a colorful printed card with the word Rescue on it. - people are so damn dramatic here.

A/N: First of all: I don't like this chapter, dunno why but it's just crappy and boring lol. Sorry. 

MAYBE WE GET 1k AFTER THIS CHAPTER!!! Yeah, that'd be awesome. 

Anyway I had kind of an motivation strike last night, so I started another story. My third one (Naruto x Avengers Crossover with Sasuke as Mc) lol. It's called 'New York's lightning' and not published yet, I'll post part 1 soon.

 PLEASE CHECK OUT 'Chakra and Charms' my second story. It has only 9 reads so far, hehe. Thanks a lot guys.  

Bye bye


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