3 - Don't bullshit me! Where the hell is that supposed to be?

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Don't bullshit me! Where the hell is that supposed to be?


I held the birdman close to my chest, leaving no room for him to escape. He seemed to get the message as I pressed the senbon even more tightly against his skin. I was impatiently waiting for his answer when suddenly my knees began to buckle under my own weight.

Damn mask man. Whatever he had done to me, it took my body quite a long time to deal with it, despite training, adrenaline from the fight and a lot of experience.

For the third time today, black dots danced before my eyes and I stumbled backwards. As I did so, I drew four thin cuts across my prisoner's neck with the needles in my hand. But he was now free again and quickly put some distance between us.

"Shit!", I cursed, "I want that wretched man to burn in hell. I'll find him and...", with my hand I had to brace myself against the wall, "Kill him in agony.", I finished as I squinted my eyes for a few seconds. 

There was no danger from the fowl man at the moment, he was watching from a safe distance as I fought the nausea. I heard a door being yanked open, but as I turned towards it, pain shot through my head like an arrow and I almost cried out. Still, I could make out two silhouettes in a blur. 

The first one lunged, but I was able to parry the blow, which was admittedly quite weak. Then I felt another hit on the back of my neck and everything went black. Again. That was getting really depressing. I should probably torture the masked man cruelly before I killed him.

| ---,'--,'--- |

When I woke up again, I kept my eyes closed for the moment and concentrated on my other senses. It was quiet, but I heard several people breathing. Three. One on the right, two on the left, with a little more distance between them. From the presence, the one on the right was probably the birdman.

My next discovery made me flinch ever so slightly in shock, despite all my body control. I had never been a sensor before, but I knew the basics of chackra sensing well, especially since my fighting style relied on a whole lot of fog.

But there was nothing emanating from the beings in this room. Not a thing. Fuck, even civilians had a little bit of chackra. So how was that possible? I had been so lost in my thoughts that I almost missed the soft whispering of the three.

It was thanks to my combat-trained body that I felt the slight breeze and was able to jerk my head to the side before a fist struck directly where my forehead had been a moment ago. Now I did widen my eyes and cast a deadly glance at the blond man who was leaning over me. A triumphant grin was on his face as he leaned back, folded his arms behind his head and turned to the two people, on my other side.

"See? She's not asleep after all." I was about to sit up when I felt my body go completely numb. Shit. The only things I could move were my head and the tips of my fingers. When I turned my face to the left I saw a small grey-haired woman and a stocky man with short green hair like I had never seen before. Both had exactly the same orange eyes, all widened in exactly the same dumbfounded expression. And both looked equally dim-witted. Whether because of the fact that the birdman was about to strike a mock-sleeper, or because I had dodged the blow, I couldn't really tell, and to be honest I didn't really care.

Instead I focused on the winged one again, but still kept an unobtrusive eye on the two of them. He had noticed that I was awake, so that was probably a reason to pay a little more attention to the man with the red wings than before.

"Let's start differently, sword-girl. After all our first two encounters went quite... interesting," I had to wipe that smirk off his face at the next opportunity. He went on without a pause, "My name is Hawks and I'd like to know why the hell you just fell out of the sky."

I looked at him blankly and remained silent. Did he really expect me to answer him? Was he somehow stupid? When I showed absolutely no other reaction for a minute, he heaved a sigh and propped his head on the back of his hand.

"What do you want for your answers?" I stayed silent.

"Well, if that's the case, we'll hand you over to the police. Worst case scenario, you'll be classified as potential danger and locked up." he explained with a friendly smile. Now I could no longer hold back a quiet giggle. The man raised an eyebrow, but his relaxed expression did not disappear.

"Locked up?", I asked, still chuckling softly. In the hidden mist, criminals were either killed outright or hanged in public. What good was a prison if it contained dangerous people who couldn't be used for your own succes? Then they were just using up space, weren't they?

"Yup. Unpleasant, isn't it?" he continued to grin as if he still thought I minded prison, but I could tell he was watching me even more intently.

"Well then, sword girl, I have a new proposal. We trade. I ask a question, then you. We answer honestly." Now I had to think carefully. Apparently he had noticed that I had been confused by my surroundings earlier. Also, I needed information so that I could get back to Kiri as quick as possible. And since the man had threatened me with a ridiculous prison sentence earlier, he probably wouldn't have the means to make me talk in case of emergency if I didn't want to answer anymore. I closed my eyes a little and gave him a tired look.

"Fine with me. Get started, poultry.", the man snorted, thought for a moment and leaned forward.

"Let's start with...your name, sword girl.", This question was theorethically actually useful to me. If he recognised my surname, it meant he was either a shinobi or we were near the wave realm. So I grinned under my mask.

"Zara Momochi.", he showed no particular reaction, just nodded. Uneducated brat. Behind me I heard a pen scratching across paper, the little grey-haired woman taking notes.

"Where are we? City, country."

"Musutafu, Japan.", I frowned.

" Don't bullshit me, where the hell is that supposed to be?" The pen scratching stopped and Hawks, the birdman looked confused for a moment. Then he glanced past me.

"Yomi, Yokumo. You are dismissed. There are some documents to finish on my desk." The two nodded in sync and left the room one by one. Annoyed, I repeated my question.

"Hey, birdman. I asked you where the hell that is supposed to be?!", It was quite humiliating to talk to someone when you were paralysed and tied up on a bed. The blond raised his finger reprovingly.

"Ah, ah, ah. My turn. Where are you from?"

"From far away." The man with the red wings rolled his eyes but was grinning again as he pulled up a chair and dropped into it.

"Seems like this conversation is going to take a while."

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