13 - Take care of the kids, I'll handle this.

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"I AM ALL MIGHT!" No shit.
"I'M ON THE SPOT" Uh-huh. Wonderful.

"We've been expecting you 'superhero'" the blue-haired man announced, snarling, but in a voice laced with pain, "Or should I say 'cripple hero'" Oh no. I could already see the eternal monologue coming. No way, I wasn't going to stand for that.

I got back into fighting position and eyed the opponents again. I should be able to handle them, especially since I knew their abilities.

"I've already hurt him," I informed All Might, not turning my head in his direction. "Take care of the kids, I'll handle this" The blond hunk stared at me in bewilderment. Well, as far as I could tell under the deep shadows on his face.

"Young Momochi-" I rolled my eyes and snorted quietly before interrupting him.

"No time, big blondie," I heard the little green haired Midoriya gasp in the background at the nickname, "Hurry up, I'm not in the mood for discussion," I tilted my head slightly to the side until it cracked loudly.

Then I rolled my shoulders and rushed at the nomu. Shigaraki didn't have time to give orders, he probably would have been too slow anyway, his undivided attention was
still on All Might after all. Besides, he had doubled over in pain.

The huge bird monster was fast. Well, fast by the standards of this world. Nothing on par with a shinobi.

The Blonde Number One would have had no choice but to attack the Nomu head-on in a one-on-one exchange of blows, but I ducked out of the way.

Of course, no one was allowed to realise that the Nomu's power was equal to All Might's, so I kept my movements simple as if it was the easiest thing in the world.
I had to admit that I clearly enjoyed the fight, but this eternal regeneration was not exactly fun. Besides, kunai didn't penetrate the skin very deeply either.

It wasn't a particularly exciting fight, but a fight was a fight. And since I definitely lacked those at the moment, I had no intention of finishing it.

I liked to dance.

Dancing across a battlefield with knives in hand felt good. I dove under blows, only to dart straight forward and throw another strike at him. Not particularly varied, but satisfying.

The buzzing in my ear warned me just in time before a dark purple portal opened beneath my feet. I dashed to the side and pulled my foot out of the mist before it tore my body apart.

All right, time to finish. I created distance for a moment to unseal the decapitation knife, when suddenly a broad figure with blonde hair flashed past me. All might pushed me back and rushed towards the Nomu. He lunged wide, his arm driving towards the bird monster with incredible speed. Nomu copied his movements.

The moment their fists met seemed endless. In the next second, a huge shock wave swept through the USJ and nearly knocked me off my feet. The floor shattered under the incredible force, chunks of stone flew through the air.

An impressive show, of course, but actually completely unnecessary. All might was the obvious target of the Villains. It would be unrealistic if they had not made preparations.
The Nomu barely flinched as All might's blows showered down on him.

That was bad. A pressed grin appeared on Shigaraki's blood- and tear-streaked face.

The students were still frozen in place, but on some faces a relieved smile was already spreading. That was really fucking out of place! I grimaced.

Fine, I would leave the Nomu to that blond poser.

He was old enough, he should take just care of himself. As long as I could do my job...I was only annoyed that he had ruined my fight. I grabbed the green-haired man by the collar and pulled him after me. He stumbled but did not resist. Good kid. Thanks to Kami-sama, everyone had already regrouped in the main square.

Well, the explosion boy and Kirishima were still missing, I would have to pick them up later. They seemed at least competent enough to keep these useless wannabe villains off their backs.

"Hey!", I snapped Midoriya out of his trance and as much as possible gained the attention of the class.

"All M-," the boy stammered but I cut him off with a wave. His eyes widened and glued to the kunai in my hand. I didn't bother to put it away, but-.

The sudden silence that interrupted the steady pounding of blows made me whip around. The class gasped in sync, Midoriya's teeth clattering so loudly that it drowned out the number one hero's agonised groans. I pushed Midoriya further back towards his classmates, and disappeared in a puff of mist.

Kubikiri Bouchou sliced cleanly through the creature's purple arms that clutched All Might's torso. That damned warp Quirk!

The Blonde Hero let go of the Nomu's legs, and I heavily kicked All might's side to knock him out of the combat zone. The kick sent him flying several metres through the air.

The purple skin on the monster's arms bubbled as they regenerated. Several things happened in the next few seconds. All Might hit the ground with a loud thud, landing on his feet but with one arm wrapped tightly around its left side. He was shaking.

It was without doubt flattering that my hit him that hard, but God, he had to pull himself together!

Shigaraki shrieked incomprehensibly as I jerked my sword backwards to split the Nomu's head. Ice covered the blue-haired villain in the same moment and the screams stopped in his throat. I didn't look at Shoto, but at least one of them was useful!

The explosions that knocked the purple mist Kurogiri aside were also very welcome.

Then the doors slammed open.

A mass of brightly dressed people flooded the USJ, a cement block closed around my hand before the blade could cut the Nomu's throat.

I shot the man (who looked like a piece of concrete himself) an icy glare and tore my hand out of the confinement. The cement crumbled in my grip and mixed with the ground again.

I glanced at the students, most of them were collapsed to the ground in relief. Todoroki stood around indecisively, Katsuki panted, his eyes darting over the crowd of adults, while the freckled green-head stared anxiously at the stone walls All Might had disappeared behind. Now that the hall was swarming with 'authority figures' I guess I could leave them to their own devices. They would be fine.

My body flickered and I reappeared beside Aizawa checking his pulse. Well it was there at least.

Would be a shame if he left this soon, wouldn't it?

I picked him off the floor and threw him over my shoulder. Thakfully he wasn't whimpering, probably because he was simply unconscious.

I pushed my way outside. Where the hell was that old cranky healer woman?





Nah for real, I'm terribly sorry I still don't know what the hell took me so long. I just had this half finished chapter chilling in my drafts between three new crossover stories, and today I looked at the story like "HOLY COW, UPDATED ON MARCH 18TH?!". And then I wrote 500 words to finish it, translated and edited a few things and here it is!

Hope you forgive me for making u wait so long!


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