17 - This is going to be so much fun!

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Edit (literally 1 hour later): i cannot believe I forgot to title this chapter i don't think I should be awake, my brain stopped braining half a day ago, anygays good night

I was leaning against the trunk of the tree, legs dangling from the thick branch about twelve feet above the ground. 

School had ended at 3 pm, and I flipped open my phone to watch the numbers on the display jump to 03:45. Fifteen minutes left until the kids were gonna get here, enough time to go for a little walk. Maybe I could already prepare my playground too. After all, I wasn't here to train these children. I was here to put them in their place. 

This would be fun. Better than rotting in Keigo's house because there was nothing to do at least.

My feet hit the mossy ground with a barely audible thump and I stalked off into the forest. I was planning on having the kiddos build up at least some resistance and stamina before getting into anything real. It would be a long journey for all of them and I was dead-set on making it a fucking nightmare. Life wasn't going to be easy on them either (at least compared to the people in this world).

Of course, the more kids I scared away, the less of them I had to deal with in the long run, so that was good too.

Setting traps loosely along the way was fun and even though I'd never been as creative with them as Haku, I supposed I'd inherited my father's sadistic streak. (I had inherited most of his qualities, honestly.)

When I returned to the small clearing two students had already arrived. Kouda, the animal whisper kid was rocking back on forth on a tree stump, fidgeting with his hands, a dark silhouette leaning against another tree a few feet away: Fumikage.

I watched them for a few moments, then quietly pulled myself into the treetops again, crouching onto a wider branch.

Rustling from the left announced another few students' arrival, this time a group of three. Jirou Kyoka was leading the way, staring down intently at her phone screen. Closely behind followed the tail boy, Shoji and Aoyama.

03:55 pm.

In the next five minutes another eleven students filed into the clearing, some of them covered in scratches from the surrounding shrubbery, some barely making it if it weren't for their classmates calling directions at them through the dense greenery around them. To my genuine surprise, Bakugo wasn't the last one to arrive, even though he was fuming with anger. The rock-kid, Kirishima, had an iron grip on the blond's arm, which explained things. 

At 03:59 pm the last four kids appeared from the forest, clearly out of breath. At least they were on time. I leaned back and relaxed in my vantage point. They could wait a little, right? 

Absently twirling a kunai between my fingers I let the minutes tick by. Beneath me, the kids started to grow restless, checking the time and peering into the forest around them. 

"You guys sure this is the right place?" a kid with black hair and tape rolls for elbows - Sero - asked from where he had draped himself over a fallen tree. 

"Yeah, dumbass, we checked the coordinates about a thousand times already," Jiro muttered, head once again bowed over the screen of her phone. 

"That loser is fucking messing with us, I fucking knew it!" Bakugo's choice of words was intellectual as always. In this moment, the blade of my knife caught the sunlight peeking through the trees' leaves. Kirishima blinked against the flash of light that unfortunatly hit his eyes, before glancing up. His mouth opened.


Not giving him time to come up with anything else, I slid off the branch, rushing through the air until my feet soundlessly met the ground. 

"What the fuck-?!?" roared fucking Katsuki Bakugo the annoying brat, but I forced myself not to acknowledge him.

"What's up, idiots?" I greeted.

"You're late." Informative as always. Prick.

"Todoroki, shut up. And no, you were just early."

"The time was specified-" 

"Shut. Up. I make the rules here and those rules include no whining and complaining, no questioning, and no being an annoying brat. You are currently breaking all of them. You are also not allowed to interrupt me or think you know better, because you fucking don't.
Now, all of you may cry or cuss as you wish and see fit but do it quietly and somewhere I can't hear you."  

When no one spoke up I nodded, a slightly manic smile creeping across my face. "Now, we should get going. I still have-" I checked my phone "-three hours and forty minutes to make you regret every decision you've ever made. This is going to be so much fun!"

| ---,'--,'--- |

It wasn't that bad, okay?

Smugly I followed the sound of their footsteps through the forest. Most of them were still keeping together. I had strictly forbidden the use of quirks for now.

While waiting for them to arrive earlier, had set up a running track slash obstacle course for the kids to run until their legs gave out and then continue on their hands and knees until they couldn't even dream of crawling. Well, they didn't know there were going to be obstacles yet.  

A startled yell echoed through the trees ahead, followed by several shrieks of varying fear. Oh, looks like they found out. 

Set along and around the track where traps of all kinds, from wire too thin to see spanning across the path to literal volleys of (considerably blunt) kunai activating upon movement. I had kind of let my mind run wild, you know, allowing some creative freedom. Fun

| ---,'--,'--- |

"Hfffff." I wasn't sure what the blond boy sprawled at my feet was trying to tell me, but whatever it was it didn't seem to make it past his currently collapsing lungs. I tsked and continued my way down the path while Denki just let out another breathless wheeze. 

Most students had collapsed somewhere not much further into the forest and were currently trying to catch their breath. At least two of them were passed out but who was counting, right?

It had been expected, and while none of the kids had made it more than  halfway through the course (even though Todoroki and Bakugo as well as Shoji had admittedly been close), I wasn't all that disappointed. A little irritated that no one had quit yet, maybe. 

"Listen up, morons." I came to a stop where most of the students could hear me from their spot along the path and clapped my hands loudly. In response I barely got a few muffled grunts of acknowledgement. "As you all have been rendered fully useless by now, I'll call it a night. This is the only time I'll let you off easy though, got that? Everyone who stops before halfway through the course next time, can do 200 push-ups or get fucking lost.

Your stamina and strength today was pathetic, but we're here to work on that. I'll see you tomorrow."

A/N: as promised here is the first part of the "I am a coffee addict who wakes herself up at 3 fucking am to get those 300 words written"- series. 

Until next time, which hopefully will be soon >:) 

(Also let's not hit 50k views 'til i got the special ready for you, alright loves?)  

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