5 - Let's start with a training match.

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Hi. Just wanna remind you (again), that english isn't my native language, my grammar and stuff kinda sucks. Please don't be shy to comment any mistakes!!!


Shall we start with a training match?


"There you go," The brawny man from before, Yokumo, was laboriously carrying my broad sword, Kubikiri, towards me. I gladly approached him and snatched it from his hands. I let my eyes roam over the blade and frowned at a few scratches. The guy was going to suffer. Had he seriously just dragged my holy sword across the floor? Just as I wheeled around to give him a good spanking, all I saw was the door slam into the lock. Crap.

"So you're channeling energy into your arms pretty much non-stop?", Hawks, stood in the middle of the room, his hands in his pockets.


"To hold the sword.", he explained slowly and I grumbled under my breath. "I thought you-"

"Bullshit." I interrupted shaking my head, "I don't need backup for that. I can lift Kubikiri with muscle strength," I interrupted him.

"But why? Your Quirk is some kind of super-strength, isn't it? And anyway: Kubikiri?"

"First of all, yes, Kubikiri. You give children names, don't you?"


"See, why not swords? It's called Kubikiri Bouchou - big decapitation knife."

"Very fitting."

Good, I had bypassed his first question. Tsk, super strength? Well, if he wanted to believe that... I placed my sword tip against on the floor, paying no attention at all to the deep notch I was cutting in the linoleum, and rested my chin on the hilt, waiting.

"So Poultry-"

"When are you going to stop calling me poultry? I'm Hawks, or Keigo for the sake of it."

"You keep saying sword-girl, too."

"Touché," the blond said. He had, I noticed, golden eyes with slitted pupils. Probably some kind of bird thing.

"So, what can you do? Oh, and before I forget: no attacks. If you attack me, I just flick this switch" Not if I knock it out of your hand first, I objected mentally as he held up a small plate with a red button. "Then the house will be sealed off, you won't be able to get out of here with all the force in the world. And I can fly. You won't get me on the ceiling," he concluded. I walk up walls, idiot. And from here, I could even get up there in one jump. It wasn't as if the hall was higher than the trees in Kiri. But I left it at that.

"Usually I just increase my power, punches and kicks, you know. Jumps too and I can run faster. That's really it, too."

"How high do you jump then, roughly."

"Huh? About ten feet. Maybe fifteen." , the hall was twenty feet high, in case he had had any anxious ulterior motives, I wanted to put them out. It was actually at least thirty feet with goodbamount of chackra.

"You have a really strong Quirk! Anything else?" I shook my head. Nothing I want to tell you.

"I know a few who can heal with it or something, but that's nothing I've dealt with," I spoke without thinking.

"Others? You know more people with this Quirk?", he asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes.", I admitted slowly. There was no point in lying now. It seemed so sometimes, but the fowl was not stupid. "In our village, most people have this...ability. Civilians excepted.", a few minutes passed in which I prayed to Kami that he didn't arrive with another load of suspiciously smart questions.

"What do you call the people who aren't civilians?" Damn. A drop of sweat appeared on my forehead and I scratched the back of my head with my hand.

"Shouldn't we get started?"
Hawks watched me for a moment with his strange hawk-like gaze, then nodded slowly.

"Let's start with a training match," he declared.

A diabolical grin crept onto my covered lips as I agreed. I rolled my shoulders once and cracked my knuckles.

"You're gonna lose, fowl."

| ---,'--,'--- |

He lost. But way more slowly than expected. Still, he was now sitting on the ground, panting heavily, while I stood next to him, my breathing already calmed down again.

''All right. Phew. ". The birdman gasped and wiped the sweat from his forehead before he struggled to his feet. "Let's get this straight. You're fast as hell, strong as hell, and you fought off all my feathers with your sword."

"You were also...not bad. Especially since you couldn't take advantage of flying and didn't want to seriously hurt me." I tried to cheer him up, because I didn't want this to remain a one time occasion. Despite the difference in strength, it had been surprisingly fun. As I spoke I eyed the blade of my sword with a knowing disapproval for the second time that day.

"And besides, your strange feathers have more penetrating power than I expected." Hawks joined me and looked down at the nicks in the shiny metal.

"Do you want me to get it fixed?"

"No, don't worry about it," he frowned.

"Then you'll leave it like this?" He clasped his hands behind his head. "Really, no offense, but it looked better before. I could just --" Again I denied.

"I said, it's fine. It regenerates with blood." Now his golden eyes stared down at me insistently.

"With...blood?" I nodded in agreement, then pulled the blade out of the ground and held it up.

"See? Like this." And with a quick, clean motion, I slid Kubikiri across my palm. Hawks winced and looked at me a little shocked, then watched as three of the cuts in the metal closed.

"But...what...," staring at my injured hand.

"It's fine." I said again, grinning slightly at him. "It's not my sword arm." He was silent for some time.

"The iron in the blood?" he asked and I replied with a simple nod. Without making a face, I held the decapitation knife to the wound again and let the red liquid drip onto the blade until it shone again, completely unblemished.

"Do you want to bandage that?"

"No, leave it," I said, wiping my hand on my trousers. Then I closed and opened it a few times.

"See? Good as new.", As I reached forward I smiled reassuringly at him with my eyes closed. How long had it been since I smiled like that? This place was softening me up, I realised. I had to to get out of here. 

As soon as possible.


Hey there~

Yeah, soooo to be honest I completly forgot about this account/story. Sorry? 

Uhm school sucks, but I'll post some chapters tho. (Fuck you maths) Just finished chapter 11 so I got a buffer for the next weeks. 

P.s: please say hi, I won't force ya to vote or follow, buttt ghost readers are kinda annoying 

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