i know you get queasy talking about money things

seen at 8:38am


sorry i threw up

but yes my stomach feels bad



how can i help??


in like no way

it's fine


namjoon, if you know you're able to afford it and still pay for everything, try to not worry too much about it. i know you think that's easy for me to say because i grew up wealthy, but i really mean it. my parents knew that we're wealthy, but they also made sure i knew the value of money. in my opinion, i think you've come to an age where you know the value of money and know about money management. if your expense serves purpose, then it is not something to feel guilty about.


why r u like actually the best person ever to exist in the whole world

and universe


i know 🙌🙌


ok so

now im going to sit in my room

and not cry bc i can spend money


u do that king!!

"c'mon yoongi! you're almost 30 and aren't married!" jimin huffed as he drank coffee and ate pastries with yoongi at a local cafe, "it's not my fault everyone sucks! besides, i'm barely twenty six!"

jimin scoffed, "barely? you're on the retirement home's waiting list" he said, yoongi rolled his eyes, jimin hummed and pointed at a guy, "what about him?" he asked, yoongi looked at the signaled guy.

yoongi scrunched up his face, "his pants are sagging, minnie" he mumbled, nearly gagging at the atrocious sight, "it's about what's on the inside, hyung"

"well, let's assume that the sagging pants aren't coming into play. how do you know he's not a criminal?" yoongi asked jimin, "well, the sagging pants are suggesting he's a criminal" jimin slightly mumbled.

yoongi sighed, "i'm a hopeless romantic, i've come to terms with it at this point. it's going to be holly and i for the time being" he shrugged, jimin sadly smiled, "you have to find someone, hyung!"

"well, you're pretty, why don't you have someone?" yoongi asked, taking a sip from his iced coffee, "i'm seeing people though. i'm picky"

"that's so not fair! i'm not picky at all! i just want someone who doesn't have sagging pants and treats me nicely! is that too much to ask for?" yoongi  sighed, slamming his wrist on the table which caused the cafe to spare weird glances, he scoffed, "i'm so sorry everyone"

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