{ 15: Plane rides to the North and Pacific }.

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He gulped as he was being watched by many soliders, being pointed at by many guns were so scary.

He didnt bring any of his staff, because he was concerned on how theyd be treated or how they would like coming here.

Philip stood there and saw two men.

China and North Korea.

"Put down your guns." The leader of this very territory asked, and everyone around lowered their weapons in his Korean dialect.

China walked to him with his happy smile. "Ma-i. Its so nice seeing you here, whats up?" He asked, with his sly smirk as he stopped right in front of Philip.

Philip sighed. "None of your buisness. Id like to discuss it alone." He said as China nodded.

The filipino looked to North Korea who was looking off elsewhere, and China was in his own world ranting to Philip about something.

"I heard you visited Taiwan."

Philip looked at China. He nodded. "Ah. Bastard, anyway, why dont you head inside with me and North?" He smiled, and turned to the korean.

"Guess who's country this is? Come on, lets go, Philippines." North gave China a disgusted look and turned around, expecting Philip to follow. China rolled his eyes and followed.

They walked over to the inspection building, just in case. North Korea walked through but both China and Philip had to go through inspection.

The man said something in North Korean in which Philip didnt know and North Korea sighed. "Any weapons? Dangerous Chemicals.. Drugs?" He translated with a bored face. Philip scrunched up his face. "God no!" His bag was inspected and when he was alright he hopped through to join North Korea.

China had a bit of a problem. "Sorry I like self defence you bitch!" He spat as a man took out a kitchen knife out of his bag.

"Chi.. why do you have a knife?" Philip said with a flabbergasted face. "I was going to use it for cooking." He crossed his arms. North Korea snickered.

China joined them as he was allowed to go through, North's orders.

They went to this little building and they all sat down. No one else in the building except the three countries.

"So.. why did you come here?" North crossed an arm giving the filipino a curious face. "Agh. Okay, I heard Martial was alive." The room fell silent as China and North looked at eachother.

China cleared his throat, doing the best he can to contain himself. "So you already know?" Philip frowned dissapointingly. "When we were allied I expected for you to tell me everything." He looked at China.

"Yes. Apologies, its just that.." He trailed off looking at North Korea, who shrugged. "Martial told us to not tell you. But I guess we have no choice." He sighed, looking like he was about to tell one of his tales.

"A week prior to his 'incident', he flew over here, inviting me over aswell." Philip's eyes widened a bit,

Phil's POV.

No wonder why he had dissappeared for three days before his incident.. I never thought it would be linked to the accident.

"He told us what he was going to do, fake an accident, specifically that very car crash, and secretly fly to Hawaii straight after." China had a expressionless face while he stared into my eyes, I could tell by North's look that shock and sadness was all over my face.

"But why?" I said.

"He said he wanted to get away from his life. Retire, live alone, but he'd promise he'd always protect you if you'd ever entered a war with anyother countries." North Korea explained, while he sat beside China. He laughed. "He also said he wanted to plan a revenge plan on Japan, America and Spain. He's got a wild imagination." He said with a smirk.

"I bet he just had a bad past. Didnt he?" North gave me a raised eyebrow and I nodded with guilt.

He couldve told me, I wouldnt have been as sad as I am right now.

I stayed silent while the two looked at me patiently as I took it all in.

Of course, even if all of this information was too much to handle I still needed it, maybe Id be reunited with him once more.

"Honestly, we could accompany you to Hawaii." China grinned and North Korea scoffed. "Gosh, no, remember, Hawaii is a state?" He said with a mean tone.

"We're not allowed there, see, im a North Korean and your a Chinese commie!" North poked his chest as China sighed.

"I could definetly disguise as my dear Vietnam, right?" He pointed to his face with a laugh, as North huffed.

"Enjoy getting caught."

North crossed his arms and looked away.


"Hey. Kor, I expected a 'You're leaving so soon? Aw. Shucks, Im so sad." China stopped and turned around to look down at the Korean. He was already at the jet's staircase.

"That'd be a lie though. Instead, expect a 'Shit! Im so happy youre leaving!" North gave him a fake grin, while China rolled his eyes.

"Good bye, Comrade!" He walked inside the jet. North raised a brow. "Picking up Rus' habits I see." He looked at the closing door, and sighed to himself.

"Alright, wont be another few hours til you'll reunite."

China placed his bag on a chair and glanced at Philip who had a sad expression. "I dont know if Im ready." He frowned. China's happy face turned into a blank one.

"Im sure you are." He sat down infront of Philip who looked out of the window.

They flew to Beijing first because, who would even accept a plane coming from North Korea?

They took off hours later, and headed to Hawaii.



"We're here.." China woke up Philip, shaking his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open and looked at the chinese.

"Manila?..." He said tiredly, rubbing his eyes. He looked out the window and saw the beautiful Hawaiian skyline.

"Honolulu. Uh, we should get going." China shook his head as he saw inspectors. He grabbed his hat and mask, and put it on.

Philip was wide awake and looked outside to see two men in black.

They quickly got out and nodded to the men.

"Hello." China said sternly. The men looked at eachother. "Flight from Beijing, China. Correct?" He raised a brow. Philippines nodded.

"Yes, hey, have you heard about me? Im a major American ally." Philip said, not wanting China to speak. One of the men raised a brow.



"Isnt that the guy who allied with Russia and China a few weeks ago?" the other man whispered. The man nodded. "I heard he's still the United States' ally. Permission to proceed granted."

China sighed in relief as he took Philip's hand and ran to the building. Philip guess he wanted to see Martial so soon.

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now