{ 7: Sister Palau!! }

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★﹒Philip's pov.﹑₊

After the handing oy the rice cooker, and exchanging numbers for the time to pick it up, I decided to walk to the United Nations statue. It had many mini flags circling it, including mine. I sat by it with boredom as I had nothing to do. I sighed.

I looked around the area, and saw a familiar face, an old one. "Palau!?" I called out, Palau looked around with confusion before turning to me. "Ouh.. Phil?" Palau's eyes widened. Her face turned extremely happy and walked up to me, I noticed she was carrying a folder. "Hi! Its been forever. You look.. different." She tilted her head to the side, examinng me and my body, she looked at my neck. "Sweet, you still have your tattoos." She smiled, touching the black ink on my neck. I didnt flinch, she used to do this before.. "Ayiee.. yeah, you yourself look pretty cool." I smiled. She sees my as a brother and I see her as a little sister that'll ill never have. She sat down right beside me, on the bench. "How have you been?" Palau smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, which went in her face straight after.

"Im doing fine, pfft, you know me." I close eyed smiled her, "You?" She asks. I knew she was thinking for a second. "Great, actually. All is well." I bob my head, atleast she's doing grest. Thats what matters.

She looked a bit annoyed by it, I think. "What are you doing here anyway?" I laugh. "You know, Palawan? He broke his rice cooker, so I went here to get it fixed. Palau's eyes widened but then she giggled white putting her hand to her chin. "Silly Palawan, couldnt he just buy another one?"

I sighed while rolling my eyes. "That's the thing! He said this was one of a kind!" I rambled about what he said, and she listened while laughing and smiling now and then.

"He just barged into my house and complained about his rice cooker.. whats so good about it?" Palau snorted. "He probably thinks it's a gift from God." I grin.

"Anyway, would you like to do something now that we're here?" Palau asks, clutching her folder. I look at her. "Sure. Do you want me to carry that?" I requested. Her face shined. "Really? Okay! This thing is getting to heavy, haah." She gave me her folder, with a happy face. Silly Palau...

"So? Got an idea where to go?" She shrugged her shoulders, though she went into her 'thinking' position and dozed off. I waited for her, and she jumped while smirking. "I know! I know!" She shook my shoulders violently, while grinning. "A-ah! What?" I say. "I havent done this in ages, lets go bowling!~" She clapped her hands together excitedly, which put a smile on my face. "Do you know where it is?" I looked around, she nodded. "Follow me!" She took my arm and led me in another direction. "Sige.."
{ T: all right.. }


"Phil! Watch this!" Palau grabs a bowling ball which was a small type, and rolled it onto the lane, we both watched intensely as it went down into the gutter. "Aww noo!" She pouted, I laughed, "What a light hit, now watch me!" I took a medium size bowling ball as I didnt really bowl that much. I threw the ball and it hit only four pins. "Tch! Ill do better next time." Palau crossed her arms in a competitive manner. "Id like to see you try," I chuckled, throwing another ball which hit three pins. I cheered as Palau got ready and got another bowling ball.

She looked so determined. She went into postion and threw the bowling ball, hitting a strike. My jaws dropped. She turned back at me with a smirk. "And that's how a pro does it!" She crossed her arms,

"Seriously? Let me try and strike." I get a ball and roll it, hitting atleast nine pins. I chuckled as I got another ball and rolled it, missing it. "Atleast you're good for someone who doesn't bowl a lot," she said, winking at me while giving me a nudge on my shoulder.

"Pfft, true." I boast, she rolled her eyes.

We did the rest of the rounds, and she obviously won.

We gave back the shoes to the desktop and went out of the building.

"Wooh! Haha, that was so funn!!" Palau said, smiling. "That's cause you won." I pointed and touched her nose, she looked and my finger and stuck her tongue out. "And that's why Im better than you." She crossed her hands with pride. How absurd..

"Well it's not my fault I get to play!" I said. "Leaders these days.. too workaholic." Palau muttered while staring at me. I got the gist of it. "You act as if you didnt stay 28 hours doing work that one time, Palau." I flicked her forehead with my fingers, she did an 'ow!' sound and rubbed the area. "Phil!" She grumpily said. I smirked as she knew what I was talking about. "It was just one time!" She put her hands on her waist. She looked like she was wearing a comfy jacket.

"Yeah yeah.." I stare at her, before some tapped me from behind, Palau looked at them in confusion, while I turned around to reveal who the person was. "What are you-" The country placed a finger on my lips while holding on to my shoulder.

"Hello, Sunshine."


"Right.. It's not like I know you." She pointed out, clearly annoyed at the disturbance but didnt seem to show any. "Everyone knows me, whether they like it or not. Especially those unrecognized bastards." Palau just shot a glare at him, she was standing beside me. "Uh, yeah.. so what are you even doing here?" I say, finally being able to ask this question. Russia looks at me, and shrugs. "I heard Belarus was out shopping so I decided to pick her up." He crosses his arms, with a blank expression.

"Ah, okay.." I raised my brow, looking at him. He was tall. Palau slightly shorter than me by and inch, thankfully.

"Where is she then?" Palau seemed intrigued, she liked seeing female leaders as far as I know. Russia looks at his watch. "She's supposed to come now." He puts his arms back into position, how can he even wear a shirt in this weather? Russia looks ariund and see Belarus with an unfazed look. "Brother!" Belarus grins as she goes towards Russia, he looks at her with a nod. Palau stares at her. "Who are these people?" She asks, looking at Palau and me.
"That's Philippines, you know him and ehm.." Russia looks at Palau who has a weirded out face, she turns to Belarus with a kind hand gesture. "Hi! Im Palau!" she smiles, Belarus nods, "Thats nice. I dont know where your country is though." She shrugs, she held two shopping bags, and she was holding a drink aswell.

"That's the guy who just allied with you?" Belarus squints her eyes at me. "Да." {Yeah.} Palau blinked at me, perhaps she didnt hear the news. I shrug at her. "Let's go then.." Belarus taps her older brother's shoulder and they walk towards the car park. Palau stared at me while they receded. "You did?" She asked. "Haven't you heard?"

She blinked a few more times in confusion while shrugging.


[ this is a small chapter with little sister Palau !! (yk i made them like a little sister big brother dynamic. Its so cute.)

I didnt write much in this chapter, I dont have a clue and I need to post a chapter some time.

I have covid so im struggling to do anything 💪

Ill make it up with the next chp I swear!!

Im changing up the storyline a bit, just bored and something flashed in my mind. But all things stayed the same in the last chps]

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