6 // Back again

557 29 18


"Just splendid." I sigh, I was walking in the city of Eluetheria.


All because Palawan broke his rice cooker, he was like;

'Oh no! What am I going to do without it? Its one of a kind!'


'It cost me so much! How am I going to fix it?'

I should think of payback soon.

It was around midday anyway, the weather was sunny aswell. No clouds in the sky, at all. The buildings look pretty sweet under the sunlight, plus there were posters about this one guy having a concert or something.

I walked towards it, and In noticed something strange. It was on a wall, or quite literally everywhere. I see everyone being happy, or poiting it out and some girls were squealing. Whats the matter?


The concert was being held by none other that South Korea.

"What?!" I spat out my drink. I was just drinking cold water! What a waste.

"Sou-" My jaws dropped, South looked so different, he looked happy. Im proud. But wow, I never knew his career was both a leader and a popstar!

I must go see this!

"Impressive," I turn around, I had a box in my hand, with the rice cooker in it. Im questioning myself. Should I buy an exact replica or get this guy fixed? Fixed, or Palawan will go crazy if he finds out, actually....

I tap the box as I go walk to find a shop to fix the cooker.

I hum to myself as I wander around, looking at the signs of each and every shop.

"Hm? Ah, right. He ran away because he saw someone."

"Idiot, why? Which direction did he run off to?"

I over heard a conversation, and seconds later someone bumps into me.

"Ah watch where you're--" I shout as I fall to the ground, rubbing my head. I fell into a sorta sitting down postition. The person who bumped into me locked eyes for a second.



We both say in unison, as he was kind of on top of me..

Agh! Shit, "Get off of me!" I say, as I quickly scramble to my feet. I do forgive him.. but, something says no.

"Hey, Japan! There you are!" The people run in our direction. It was a few other neutral countries. Switzerland, Ireland and Mexico.

"Aahh.. sorry.." Japan sighed as he got up, dusting his closed while looking embarrassed. "Oh Philippines! Tanto tiempo! (Long time no see)." Mexico beamed as he helped me up,

I didnt expect him to be here..

"Mexico!! "¿Cómo estás? (How are you?)" I say with a grin, taking his hand. "You know this guy? He's Spanish?" Switzerland raised a brow, looking at me and Mexico. My Spanish had kind of.. weakened.

"Muy bien. And yes, I do know him. His name is Philippines!" He turns around to the other country. "Ehm, no, Im not Spanish." I say, while waving,

"Ouh. So how does he know Spanish?" Ireland asks. "I was a colony of Spain." Ireland sighed, with a smile. "I get it." He said. Oh so he does? I looked to Japan.

I huffed.

"Japan, where were you running off to?" Switzerland asked, Japan sighed, looking at me. "I dont know." Ireland did a 'tsk'.

"So what are you doing here Filipinas?" Mexico asks me. I look at my box. "Ehm, one of my friends broke their rice cooker." Ireland, Switzerland and Mexico burst out laughing. Japan turned to them with a dissapointed look. "Ha- Haha! Oh my god.." Mexico cackled. I bumped his shoulder. "Pfft... well, introduce us? I dont think I know you." Switzerland says, I nod.

"Im Philippines. Just call me Philip.." he said nervously, with the countries smiling. "Im Ireland! Nice to meet you lad, Ive seen you before, pretty sure. Just cant put my mind to it.." He took his hand out, waiting for me to shake it. Switzerland slapped it away and placed his hand in the same exact position. "Hihi! Im Switzerland!" He smiled brightly. Ireland looked with a grumpy look. "And this is Japan!" Switzerland looked at Japan, expecting a greeting from him. Japan looked at me with a hesitant but play-along expression.

"Hello.." he forced a tiny smile.

"Hi, its nice to see you, all." I say, with Mexico closer to me.

"Yeah, didnt expect you to be here." Mexico winked, making me laugh. "Mh."

"Ah, bingo! Remember! It was all in the back of my head." Ireland clicked his finger with pride, and looked to me. "One of my people married one of your heros." Ireland grinned. I thought for a moment. And then something popped up.

"Oh, yes! Of course. How could I forget?" Ireland grinned, everyone looked at him with a confused expression.

"Hehe. I have an excellent memory it even scares myself..." he had a dark, grinning face. "Eugh." Mexico spat.

"Hm. Anyway, uh.." Japan started, coughing to get attention. "Where are we going?" Mexico beamed. "We were meant to meet the others." He says. Mexico nods.

"¡Adiós, hasta luego! (Bye, see you later!)" I smile. "Adiós, Pinas. (Bye,)" Mexico clicked his tongue and winked as they went in the other direction. I sighed. Watching them going.

I remembered his box, and went into a random shop.

"Hi, can you perhaps fix this rice cooker?" I asked, opening the top of the box, revealing a perfectly fine but broken rice cooker. "If course, whats wrong?" The shopkeeper asked. "It wont work." I shrugged, handing the box over,

[ Most of it got cut of.. lolz..
I'll fix it in the next chap :) ]

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now