{ 14: Information }

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Philip's POV.

I sighed as I got off my plane, but smiling at my staff as they escorted me out. It wasnt an official visit, but im sure China would be FUMING. It didnt matter, though.

My assistant, Reyes walked with me, carrying my luggage. I wanted to, but he just insisted. He's a really nice man.

"Oh? Taiwan ba yan?" My eyebrows raised, looking at a figure in the distance. I turned my head over to Reyes who nodded.

"Yes po." He nodded at me as I saw the island head over to me.

"Republic of China," I addressed him while bowing my head. I was in this island which he calls home, so obviously I wanted to be formal.

Even though I couldnt see his mouth, I knew he was smiling underneath that mask. "Philippines. No need for formalities, just call me Taiwan." I looked at him. He was fairly tall, taller than me. He wore some pretty nice clothes aswell.

"Oh.. if that's so then just call me Phil or Philip.." I look down nervously. Taiwan just laughed.

"Anyway. This doesnt seem like the best place to talk, why dont we head into my car to my building?" He asked questionably, and I only nodded. I followed him while Reyes followed me.

We headed to the little building which was just a barrier from the runaway and the outside, we got out of that building and into Taiwan's car.

My staff were going to fly back to Philippines to get what they needed and what I also.

Reyes and I hopped in the back, and Taiwan in the front. One of his workers were driving.

"Hm. I heard you're Russia and that commie's ally now, what a shame." Taiwan started a conversation. Which is what people usually say to me these days when they first see me. Its alright though..

"Yeah. How so was it a bad idea?"

The island laughed at me, and I was just fuming inside. "Its all over your face, you probably regret it. Also, you shouldve allied with the real China, you know?" He said, I could feel his smug smile.

"What benefits me from it?" I snickered to myself, I was just kind of curious on how he would reply. "Everything. You have me." Taiwan looked back and winked. I rolled my eyes.

The car was silent after that.

Until we arrived back at Taiwan's building was when we actually struck a real conversation.

We went to his office and I told Reyes to go talk with any other staff members or looked around the place.

"So.. why'd you come visit?"

He questioned. Sitting down on his chair, and signalling me to sit down on the chair opposite of him. I did.

I stayed silent, and looked up at his eyes.

"Please keep this a secret, if you dont already know.."

Taiwan looked already so curious.

"You know, a week ago, I met up with South Korea for some information and..."

"He said that Martial was alive, do you know anything about this?" Taiwan's eyes widened and he fixed his posture.

{ 𝐓𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 }Where stories live. Discover now