Chapter 24

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I head inside the school and walk straight towards the class without stopping anywhere in the way.

"Isha" I hear Shraddha's voice and turn around to see her coming running towards me and I smile at her

"I was waiting for you near 12th class's classroom" she said as she reached me taking deep breaths.

"Oh, I didn't came from that side today" I said and we started moving ahead towards our class

"Why" she asked still panting a little. How much did she run?

"Rishi is not going to come to school this whole week, so" I said shrugging my shoulder at the end and Shraddha nodded her head

"He is taking his own preparation leave" Shraddha said and I nodded my head. He only told me yesterday too that he would not be coming to school on daily basis anymore

"That's good" she said and we entered our classroom. I settled my bag on my seat and went to clean the blackboard

"Isha" I heard a voice and turned to see Ayush coming in the class. I gave him a small smile

"Your notes" he said returning the physics notes back to me

"They are Shraddha's" I said slowly and turning to give Shraddha a glance who was busy reading something. I asked her of I can share her notes with Ayush and she said yes so I gave them to him

"Oh" he said and went towards Shraddha to return her notes. She took the notes from him and he tried to talk to her but she didn't reply to him. I look at blackboard with a sigh. Let's hope they can be atleast friends again. He is definitely an idiot but he is nice.


I make my bed before lying down on it again with a novel I recently bought its really nice. Its an arranged marriage story and I really love them. I continue reading it through some chapters while occasionally blushing. All the male leads in novels are just too romantic. My phone rings and I turn towards it

"Hello" I said picking it up as soon as I saw it was from Rishi

"Hellooo" his cheerful voice came from the other side and my smile grew bigger

"How are you" I asked and heard a sigh from the other side

"Tired. I have been studying since the morning" he said and my expressions changed to that of a sad smile one

"Yeah boards were hectic during 10th. I can only imagine how hectic they during 12th" I said and he hummed

"So what were you doing" he asked and I  shrugged

"Nothing I was just reading a book" I said

"Which one" he asked and I told him the name of the book. I heard an gasp from the other side and frowned

"I have read that book. You should not read it" he said in a hurry and my expressions turned confused

"Why" I asked flipping through the pages of the book

"It has sone scenes which are not suitable for your age" he said and I huffed. If he I'd talking about 18+ scenes, he really doesn't know me

"What scenes" I asked hoping to get a clear view of his imagination

"I can't say that we are not at that stage now" he said and I laughed because I am now sure about the type of scenes he mean

"Mr. Mehra let me tell you. I have read those kind of scenes before too and they are totally appropriate" I said in a teasing tone

"Haww, I thought my girlfriend is innocent" he said from the other side and I chuckled. We chatted up with each other for some more time about some other things before calling it a night and going to sleep.


I am really sorry for not posting since so long and I know this is a really short chapter but please just read it.

I stopped posting because I realized that there were really very least number of people who were reading this story.

And honestly no one is liking and commenting on the stories and it does not feel nice to continue so I just stopped.

I recently realized that none of my stories have votes from even the 10 percent of the people reading it does not vote on it.

So if I again don't post for months maybe this is the reason why

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