Chapter 23

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"We have something to tell all of you" Rishi said as everyone settled on our usual table for lunch. Shraddha gave me a teasing smile and I blushed. I already told her about us two days ago. It's already have been two months since we started dating each other.

"Isha and I are dating each other" Rishi said and his friends hooted. I blushed as I saw all the people sitting at other tables turn and look at us.

"Should we call you bhabhi" Rohan asked and I shook my head cringing.

"No, please no" I said shaking my head and they all laughed.

"Why? What's wrong with them calling you bhabhi" Rishi asked turning towards me

"Everything. It sounds weird. I mean would you like if Shraddha called you jiju" I asked and Rishi just shrugged

"I wouldn't mind" he said and I gave him a look and he gave me his dimpled smile. I smiled seeing his smile.

"When did this start" Dhruv asked and Rishi and I looked at each other.

"Two months ago" Shraddha replied and they all gasped. I shifted a little to the back with wide eyes.

"And you didn't tell us" Dhruv said got up from his seat. Rishi looked terrified looking at Dhruv

"I did just tell you and it was mutual decision" he said shaking his head and giving Dhruv puppy eyes. I laughed looking at all the friends interacting.

"When was you first date" Rohan asked looking at us with narrowed eyes. Shraddha also turned to look at me curiously.

"We have not gone on one" I said nervously. They all looked at me like I said something totally wrong.

"This is how you treat bhabhi?" Dhruv said smacking Rishi on his arm and I smiled.

"Take her out on a date" Rohan said and Rishi looked at me at this. I blushed looking away and concentrating on my lunch.

"Do you want to go an a date with me" Rishi whispered in my ear as we got up to go back to our classes. I looked around blushing to see if anyone heard us.

"Sure" I said and smiled at him. Rishi grinned at me and we all got back to our classes.


I got ready in a pretty floral top and jeans. I kept my hair open for today. I apply some lip gloss and take my one and only sling bag from the Almira. I keep my phone and some cash in it and look myself once again in the mirror and smile. I look cute I guess.

"Mom, I am leaving" I said as I reach downstairs and open my house's gate to leave.

"Wait, when will you be back" she asked coming out from the kitchen. I turn around to look at her.

"In the evening around 6. I will call you if I will be getting late" I said and mummy nodded her head and waved her hand at me saying bye. I wave back and get out. I take a taxi to the the mall.

We decided to meet each other directly at the mall as it would be a safer option. No one will see us together in our neighborhoods. I am very known in my neighborhood. If someone saw Mr they will tell mummy and then I have to explain a lot to her. I hear my phone ringing and take it out from the bag.

"Hello" I said answering the call

"I am here" Rishi said from the other end

"Okay, I am on my way too. Will be there in ten minutes" I said in an apologetic tone

"Yeah, OK. I will head inside first" he said and I nodded my head. I shook my head as soon as remembered he cannot see me.

"Yeah, bye" I said and disconnected the call. I reach the mall the pay the taxi driver  his money. I start entering the mall and call Rishi to know his location.

"Hello" he said from the other side picking up the call

"Where are you" I asked looking around the mall.

"I will be there at the gate only. You just wait there" he said and I replied with a yes still looking around. He came in from the left side and I smiled seeing him. He was wearing a jeans and shirt and looking handsome as always.

"Hi, you look really pretty" he said and I smiled and nodded a thank-you

"You look good too" I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and he smiled at me. I saw his dimples and again an urge to poke them came in my mind. They are just so cute.

"Where should we first go? Do you want eat or we can look around" he said gesturing towards the stores

"I am not hungry now. We can look around" I said and he nodded his  head at me and held my hand. I smiled as I looked at our intertwined hands.

"Finally I can hold your hand properly" he said as we started looking around the mall.

"I was thinking maybe we could watch a 3D show or something" I said as we reached the top floor

"Nice idea, let's watch one first and then we will go to the haunted house" he said and I nodded my head.

"You are not afraid of haunted houses" he asked and I shrugged

"Don't know. We will find out today" I said. We bought the tickets for the 7D show and got in the theater after some time.

"It was fun" I said as we got out of the theater

"Yeah, and you shouted so loud when that snake came" he said laughing and slapped his arm

"It was scary. It was like he was on my face" I said pouting and he laughed even more

"Okay, fine. Let's go to the haunted house" he said holding my hand rushing us to the ticket counter. I stopped at the railing and stood there only as it was a huge line in there and Rishi went ahead to buy the tickets

"Let's go" he said as he came in my direction with our tickets in his hand. He showed his other hand to me and I held it in mine. We walked to the gate and went inside.

It was really dark inside and we looked around to see some red-light and followed it. A voice of a whisper came from my left and I jumped and held Rishi's arm tighter.

"Let's get out of here fast" I said holding onto Rishi's arm tighter and started navigating my way out there as fast. A skeleton fell from the top and I screamed and hid behind Rishi.

"Okay, you are walking ahead and I am closing my eyes. Just navigate please" I said still hiding behind him with closed eyes.

"No, walk beside me. They are not that scary" Rishi said laughing and bringing me in front of him. I open my eyes and see Rishi smiling under the red light. My heart beat increased suddenly and cheeks felt like they were warming up.

"Let's go" I said turning around and walking ahead of him.


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