Chapter 7

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How could I forget the chocolate. I am such an idiot. I have checked my whole bag but I still could not find the chocolate. The judges for the debate competition have not arrived yet so we were asked to sit in the empty classroom in the front of the room where the competition was gonna take place.

And here I am roaming in the corridor as I have forgotten my chocolate and my stage fear is rising minute by minute. I start pacing faster and faster in the corridor to ease myself. Breathe Isha breathe everything will be fine. You will be alright. I see Rishi coming out of the classroom and he looks here and there. He then makes eye contact with me and starts coming towards me

"What are you doing here" he asked standing in front of me

"Freaking out" I replied still pacing down the corridor. Rishi started walking with me. He shook his head at my statement.

"Here" he said and took out a chocolate from his pocket. I looked at his face and then back at the chocolate.

"You carry chocolates in your pocket?" I asked looking up at him and taking the chocolate from him

"No, I bought it for you" he said looking  inside the competition room

"For me?" I asked shocked at his reply

"Yes, now eat it" he said. I was standing there still holding the chocolate in my hand. He looked at me and then at the chocolate. He took the chocolate from me and opened the wrapper of the chocolate for me. He then handed me the chocolate. I was just looking at him blinking because I again felt a shiver as he touched me.

"Eat" he said holding my hand close to my face. My heart felt like it stopped for a second. What is happening with me? Am I ill? Why do I keep feeling weird when he is around me?

I started eating the chocolate and he left from there. Why would he buy a chocolate for me? And why would I feel weird when he touches me? I have touched other people I have never felt that way. I am definitely going crazy or maybe I have disease.

"The participants can now head inside the competition room" some teacher from this school said. I saw Rishi standing outside the room. I walked up to him and he took the chocolate from me and kept it inside his pocket. There were participants from six schools including us.

The competition started after ten minutes. There was a huge audience in the room. I looked at Rishi who was already looking at me he nodded his head and I started speaking. The competition ended with us winning the second prize. I looked at Rishi and he smiled. We shook our hands. I again felt that shiver when I was holding his hand.

I got inside the waiting room after the competition was over. Rishi was talking with students from other school. I packed my bag started heading outside. A large crowd of people came outside the opposite room as I was heading out. The crowd bumped into me and I was stuck in between. I was trying to get out of the crowd but there were people everywhere. Suddenly I felt someone grab my hand and push me into the wall I looked up angrily and calmed down after seeing that it was Rishi.

"Are you okay?" He asked looking worried. I nodded my head.

"You should have asked me to come with you" he said looking me up and down

"You were talking to them" I said

"So? Just call me next time, okay?" he said standing in front of me

"I will call you next time" I said. He walked beside me until we reached our school.

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