Chapter 13

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Preeti has been absent from that day and today is the last day before summer vacations. Our fight became the topic of the whole school. Everyone is now talking about us only. I hate attention and this is just too much. I can hear people gossiping about me and Shraddha.

"Isha" Dhruv called me breaking me out of my thoughts. He and I were making stuff for the school vision board together. He is very good at art and crafts.

"Ji" I said turning towards him.

"How do you want to arrange all this on the board" he asked pointing at the material laying in front of us

"I think we should put all this up like this" I said making a design in my notebook.

"Oh yeah before I forget. Meet Rishi before leaving today" he said pinning the material to the board

"Why" I asked handing him the papers

"He wants to talk with you about something" he said taking the stuff away from me

"What does he want to talk about" I asked. I am embarrassed to talk to him after that day. What he must have been thinking about me?

"He did not told me that. I asked him but he said just to ask you to meet him" he said and we continued working

"You know it's usually the other way around with Rishi. It is girls who ask to meet him, not him asking to meet someone" he said assembling all the stuff back in the racks

"Obviously it is. Who would someone not want to talk to him? He is the sweetest" I said dreamily. He is also the only person who remembered I have stage phobia. He is also the cutest and his dimples. I smiled thinking about him.

"You don't get what I am saying. You are the only girl he asked himself to meet with. He does not do that" he said

"I am his friend. He can want to have a talk with me. It is not a big deal." I said and picked up my bag

"Just think about it, okay" he said and we walked towards our classes. I don't get what he is trying to imply. I bump into someone as I was walking. The person holds me by my arm I look up to see it is Ayush. He looks tired and exhausted

"Hey Isha" he said as he steadied me

"Hi" I said standing straight and taking a step back to create some distance between us

"I am sorry about Preeti. Say sorry to Shraddha too from me please" he said with sincerity

"I will" I said smiling at him

"Thankyou" he said now smiling too. I walked to the the class and told Shraddha what Ayush said. She just nodded her head and continued her work. This drama has messed up with Shraddha.

The bell rang indicating the school has ended. I and Shraddha started walking. I stopped in front of his class and looked inside. He was sitting with his friends. I waved at him to get his attention. He and his friends walked towards us after they saw us standing outside.

"Hi" he said coming towards me.

"Hi" I said smiling. Shraddha, Aryan, Rohan and Dhruv started walking ahead of us. We were walking about three steps behind them.

"Dhruv said that you wanted to meet me" I said walking beside him

"Yeah. I uh I just wanted to ask for your number. You know in case I need something. Just for emergency purposes" he said scratching his neck.

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