Chapter 9

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The bus is fully packed today. I am sitting with some girl I don't know her name but apparently she knows me as she keeps chatting with me. So far all that I got from her talks is that she is in 9th grade, she hates most of the people in van and she does not get the point that I don't want to chat with anyone.

"He always says these kinds of stuff, can you believe it" she said. I shake my head and giving her a tight lipped smile

The bus reach the school and exit the bus as fast sa I can. I walk inside the school gate when I feel someone touch my shoulder. I turn around to see him standing there smiling.

"Hi" I said smiling

"Hi" he said

"Did you just arrive too" I ask

"No, I was waiting for someone" he said

"Okay, then I will head inside first" I said turned around to walk away

"Wait we can walk together" he said

"But aren't you waiting for someone" I ask

"No its alright. We can head inside first" he said and started walking

"Okay" I said and matched his steps

He walked me to my class as he had some work. I say bye to him and head inside the class. Shraddha is not here yet I keep my bag on the seat and head towards the blackboard to clean it. I see Shraddha entering the class smiling looking at the floor. I walk to her.

"What happened with you" I asked her when I got near her

"The guy from the basketball team I bumped into him last week and we have been talking since then. He and I chatted up the till late last night. He is so nice" she said grinning. She definitely has a crush on him.

"So what is his name" I asked smiling

"Ayush Verma and he is in 11th too, just another section" she said looking very happy. I smiled seeing her so happy. She has not been very happy recently as her mother passed away last year. She tries to be happy all the with her squealing and giggling but I know when they are just for a show.

It is lunch now and Shraddha has already headed out as she had to meet her younger sister's teacher. I picked up my lunch and got up to go the canteen. I heard someone call me and I turn around. It was Divyanshi.

"Why did Rishi leave you to class today" she asked me in a commanding tone folding her in front

"You dont have anything to do with it but still. Rishi and I were headed in the same direction" I said wanting no drama and tried to turn around

"His class comes first" she said in a duh tone

"He had some work" I said and again tried walking away

"What work" she asked raising her eyebrows

"I don't know. He is a close friend of yours, isn't he?" I said calmly and now completely turning around. Her questions are now irritating me

"Yes" she says proudly and the girls gathered around her all smile

"So do me a favour and go talk to Rishi directly. I don't have more time for your stupid questions" I said and then just walked out of the class. I have to talk to Rishi about her. He should keep his close friends in check. I don't want drama and this girl definitely loves it.

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