Chapter 15

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In four days school will be open and my homework is not complete. I am such an idiot rather than living in the blanket. If I could have just gotten out of it for more than eating and washroom.

"I am leaving day after tomorrow. We are going out today" didi said entering the room and closing my books.

"No No No. I have lot of homework" I said opening them back

"Isha, please I will buy you anything" she said turning my chair. I want to buy stuff if she is gonna pay but my homework.

"I will buy you that hoodie that you wanted, just come with me" she said with puppy eyes.

"Fine. I will go but just for the hoodie." I said getting up and keeping my stuff back in my desk. I will copy Shraddha's homework now.

I wear a simple jeans top and tie my hair in a ponytail. We thought of going to the mall. Mummy and papa didn't want to go as they both were busy with their works.

"I want to watch a movie" she said. But we were here for shopping

"My hoodie" I said pointing towards the shop.

"I will buy it for you later. Let's go now" she said dragging me to the movie hall. The movie was nice. Now she wanted to go to the arcade. She definitely wants to lose all her money today.

"We have to first deposit the money in the card" I said. We deposited some money and went inside to play.

"Let's play Basketball" she said dragging me to the game

"I am not good at basketball" I said

"You should have learnt it from Rishi" she said swapping the card

"Why would he teach me" I said trying to goal. Concentrate on the basket. You can do it.

"How else are you going to get close to him" she asked succeeding to goal. We both clapped and continued

"I am not talking about getting close to him with you" I said throwing the ball. It got in. Yess. I jumped. We continued playing different game till all the money in the card was used. We won a small soft toy. We get very competitive when it comes to prices. She also bought me the hoodie that I wanted. We reached home around 8 in the night. We are very late and definitely going to get scolded. Mummy and papa both gave us angry looks and we rushed to our room. It was a fun day.

"How can you arrange stuff in a bag like this. You have to leave in two hours" I said looking at the mess of a bag my sister has packed. Everything I mean everything is coming out. She can be so irritating some times.

"I was trying" she said still trying to stuff clothes in the bag like garbage

"You go and get ready" I said signaling her to go away. If mom sees this mess there is going to be fight. Didi and mummy will both shout at each other.
I don't know how she packed it when she came here.

"Isha and Neha, come down with the luggage. We have to leave now" mummy said shouting from downstairs. We still have two hours before the train arrives but mummy is mummy. The bags are packed now and didi is also ready. We carried the bag downstairs.

"Sit down. We still have an hour" papa said opening the news

"We know" didi said sitting on the couch

"I was saying this for your mother anyway" papa said

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