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            I was blankly looking at the monotonously flowing stream when my shoulder felt a light tap so I turned and found the very staff who helped all this way me to handle my heavy outfit.

" Ma"am , let's go . " She said . " What about-- " I pulled back my tongue and turned my gaze to the darkness ahead. She knitted her brows  guessing something  , posed me , " You were saying anything ? "  Looking back at her tablet while continuing  going through the schedule of tomorrow.

" No , noh ! " I denied nodding my head left to right . " Okay , let's go then ! "  Heaving a sigh she helped me to get in the car after the two-three minutes' walk.

Sitting myself perfectly I looked at her . " Fine , wait till the car pulling down . Good night . "  In the pitch dark of the car inside  ; I showed a thin line . I heard her leaving footsteps , the crushing sound of dry leaves .

The car had curtains on its windows . I was stressing myself too much . I supposed not to make a happy family with him but portraying it . 

I promise I would do my job perfectly  and be grateful to this moment all through my life and prove myself to be the best coordinator as his co-worker.

This is it ! As simple as that . I must stop overthinking.

I could not realise when I fall asleep , but I woke up with the earthquake ; probably the car shook as I turned my gaze up , adjusting with the rankling feeling in my eyes , i found him closing the car door shut.  I took my dress away from his place .

" Oh ! Did I wake you  up ? " getting signal , the driver kicked the engine that my reply got fumble with sound of the rushing car . I guess. " No , you didn't  . "

Was he really talking to me !

We never  talked since our wedding day when I first met him . We only shared stares or conversations at times of rehearsal . My trail of thoughts were again trapping me so I shrugged  off and sat straight , " Did you like the showcase ? "

" Huh !? "

" Did you like the showcase of ours ?"

" Oh ! That one  , yes that was nice . " I rested my head back on the soft seat back . A light pain and suffocation were engulfing me and  the cologne of him more added to it .

" Be genuine  like a critic and I heard you are an ARMY ; tell me how would they feel ? "

I was struggling , still managed to say  , " Mhm , they always would love it no matter how big or small it is . You can be non-judgmental . " Letting those words go out of my voice box I sealed my  eyes .

The next moment I opened my eyes with a jerking that made my brain tell me that we are at our destination  .

"We are here . " I heard him saying , he was talking for this long  ?  I was about to get out when with a thud he  closed the door on my flairs of the dress .

A single  inch here and there , my feet would have been blood coated already . I smiled at my ownself .  The door flung open soon with the mumble 'sorry' . I raised my palm on air as if I did not mind as I  preeceeded  , he told me  , " You can go with that , alone ?" 

" Me ?  Ofcourse . Someone would come from inside , anyways . "  Clutching through the heavy design I pulled it up that it showed my ankles and  the almost flat palm shoes .

" Hey ! Don't pull that up that  harshly ! " A grunt was heard . " But , the party is over ."  I mewled .

" So what ? It made you look so gorgeous. " She said complementing me . " Come on . I am helping you out with this . " She came with me till the closet of the shared bedroom .

She was to leave when I called for her , "  Can you unzip it before leaving? "

" Sure . "  Unzipping it she left  .

Pushing down the grown I took the breath of relief.  Hanging it on hanger I tucked it into the concern place .

Stripping myself into my comfy pairs I started rubbing the feshwash on my face to get rid of those makeup . Once I peeked my eyes to see a colorful mess of pink , skin and black smearing on my visage .

I washed that off instantly . While wiping with towel I heard vigorous stammers on the door .

" Wait , wait , coming ."

" Oh , you were inside ? " A flash of guilt .  " I'm coming later . "

"No, no . I am done , get in ."

Was he that drunk !

The mirror was saying me to be vibrant and happy ," Did you see how beautiful you were looking , come on , cheer up girl! "

" Feeling is not a thing for you to catch . You gonna enjoy this session with your favorite idol , singer , person and love -- yes  love and then you gonna fly back to your origin being happy! "

I grinned back to the reflection of mine , but felt bit awkward with the  silence as I could hear a vibration , like snores.


I rushed inside to only find him deep in slumber on the closed seat of the toilet . The falling head of him made me afraid that he would break it.


I lightly tapped on his arm , even shook him but no one was responding .

I kneeled , pushed my loosened strands behind my ear , placed  hand on his knees rubbing his upper of the thick thigh and when I finally touched his tired face seeing no other option ,  then he opened his eyes and a small smile escaped my lips .




                    LOVE YOU ALL


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