23•Sculpted Memory•23

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  Leifen thought hard and long but never came into a conclusion. After all, no matter what, he can't just walked up to them and "pretend" to notice them.

  That was dumb. Even dumber since the people he would walked up to where assassins. Masters of disguised and concealment.

  In his daze, Leifen unknowingly walked by a stall near where Ron and Freesia where hiding. And, by sheer luck, the woman who was currently being interro- ehem, interviewed happened to see a familiar figure at the corner of her eyes.

  It was the gorgeous young boy he met at the sculpting competition.

  And seeing how absentminded the gorgeous youth seemed to be, Freesia couldn't help but glanced at him in worry.

  She really did like the timid and innocent youth. And somehow, seeing his bright and clear eyes from before aroused her natural motherly instinct as a woman.

  So upon noticing some less than pleasant gazes of those around focused on the youth, the feeling of overprotectiveness lingered on her mind.

  Ron, of course, immediately noticed the sudden shift of her attention. By following the direction she was looking at, he happened to see something amusing.

  'Ho. The little child changed.'

  One look and Ron immediately knew who the black haired was. And seeing as there were some pests lingering around the unaware youth, Ron smiled benignly.

  Before Freesia could react, Ron already made a moved. He casually went up to the dazed black haired young man who was staring blankly at the figurines displayed on the stall.

  Seeing this, Freesia didn't have any choice but to follow. Not that she didn't want to, in fact she was already planning to go to the youth. It's just that Ron had beaten her to it.

  "Who would've thought that I would get to see you here, young Sprite."

  Genuinely shocked by the sudden voice, Leifen immediately swiveled around and came face to face with the source of his current dilemma. His comical expression comparable to a deer caught in the headlights gave his gorgeous face a childish feel.

  At the sight, many who were already paying attention to him blushed brightly. This made the two assassins glare sharply at all of them, prompting those pests to move their gaze away from Leifen in fear.

  "Lemonade gramps?"

  At this point, Leifen wasn't acting shocked at all. He really is. After all, he was just in the middle of thinking how to approach them. Yet here they were, delivering themselves to him.

  "I see that you have changed."

  Ron said with his usual benign smile. Meanwhile, Freesia, who was behind him, looked back and forth between them.

  "You knew him?"

  Who knew who she was asking, but both Ron and Leifen nodded at the same time.

  And as if recovering from his shock, Leifen immediately turned his attention to the middle aged woman behind Ron.

  "You are the aunty from before! Thank you for giving me your luck at the competition aunty, I won because of that!"

  "Ho-ho. Of course not. You are a genuine talent."

  "Still, I was so nervous at that time. If it weren't for your encouragement I wouldn't have made it."

  "It was nothing. I was merely being a nosy auntie. It's good that it helped."

  The two gradually talked back and forth with each other, seemingly forgetting Ron who was still with them. Fortunately, Leifen immediately remembered the vicious assassin's presence.

A Little Change [TCF/LCF Fanfiction]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя