10•The Ancient Gold Dragon•10

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  Leifen closed the door silently on his way out of the room. He just finished his discussion with Cale and was planning to go back to either the forest or the Capital after resting for a bit. Well, it was fortunate that Cale actually lent him a room to stay for the night.

  He sighed softly before starting to walk toward the room Cale provided for him.

  'The next step on my plan is to visit some places in my list for the moment. Then, I'll join Cale and the others on the Dark Elf Village.'

  In the novel, after Cale's meeting with the Whale siblings, he would visit the Forest of Darkness for the poisonous dark swamp there. Later on, he would visit the Whipper Kingdom to strike a deal with Toonka.

  Actually, it would probably be better if Leifen stayed with Cale all the time, as Cale was the protagonist and the center of everything, but the green haired didn't want to.
  Leifen planned to help, yes, but that doesn't mean he needed to get involved in everything. He preferred to give support from the sidelines, just making sure that the death rate would be lower and different from the story. That was his main goal.

  Well actually, the real reason why Leifen refused to stay with Cale at this time was because he didn't want to get involved with Toonka. Leifen hated people with unpredictable and eccentric personality the most and for him, Toonka was in the list.

  He'd rather stay with the manipulative crown prince Alberu Crossman than interact with Toonka. Oh, and Cale would name Raon at that time as well. If he was there, he would ruin the moment.

  So Leifen planned to stay out of their way until his help was needed. Or until he wanted, since going to the Dark Elf Village was to satisfy his personal curiosity.

  He sighed again before opening the door to his temporary room. Leifen, who was looking down lost in thought while walking, looked up right when he entered his room.

  "Tiny Human!"


  Leifen was still a bit disoriented, but he still gracefully caught Raon on his arms due to his sharp reflexes. The young black dragon actually tackled him out of the blue right after he opened the door.


  Leifen let out a soft and silent groan because of the impact. Although, he managed to catch Raon safely, the speed that the young dragon was flying at was no joke. So the impact of their collision wasn't light either.

  Leifen carefully carried the young one on his arms. Practically hugging his small body.

  Raon, who was now curled up on Leifen's arms, smiled slightly and buried his face on his friend's chest. Relishing in the naturally warm and safe presence his friend emitted.

  "Little buddy! I missed you. You don't know how worried I am when I saw the cave you were usually at in a mess! I thought something bad happened!"

  Leifen said while patting the dragon's back lightly. Well, of course that was a lie. But he couldn't really say the truth to Raon, right? It was better if he didn't.

  The dragon curled up more in his arms at the mention of the cave. He buried his face more on Leifen's chest, surrounding himself with his friends natural forest scent.

  "Tiny Human, you came back for me?"

  The black dragon asked in his soft, weak voice. This worried Leifen as it was different from the energetic and bubbly voice of the dragon he remembered. He didn't even comment about the weird nickname this dragon was calling him because the young ones voice sounded so weak!

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