(A Little Extra)

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(Hello lovely mortals! Well, it recently got into my attention that, apparently, June is the Pride Month. So, as a big supporter of the LGBTQ+ Community, I wrote something a little bit extra for you guys.

Ahh, for those who are uncomfortable with this certain topic then please skip this and the next chapter. It won't affect the main story whatsoever so it's okay to skip.)

(It's a little bit short... Second part would be published next week!)


  A/N: One of Leifen's many mischievous scheme that the gang fell into. Enjoy! (◠‿◕)

  It was a bright, sunny day in Roan Kingdom. Everyone was busy minding their own business. It was also similar in a villa inside a inconspicuous cave in the forest of darkness.

  Yes. It was the villa of the Former Commander and the Continent's Hero, Cale Henituse.

  And today, a handsome green haired elf was stealthily leading three children in the hallway of the villa. Mischievous smile was painted on all their faces.

  "Today, were gonna plan something fun! A surprise for our friends!"

  Leifen, who was in his child form, stated proudly. It was one of his usual scheme which the grown ups labeled as "bad influence". Still, the grinning Leifen didn't care about what they think.

  The three children, a black dragon and two red and silver cats, nodded simultaneously. Their expression was serious that you'll mistake them as professional workers working hard. Well, in a way, they are.

  Leifen led them towards the training ground. There, the wolf siblings were busy training under their instructor, which was none other than the Swordsmaster Choi Han.


  Leifen excitedly shouted with his childish but still pleasantly sounding voice. After hearing the unique nickname, Choi Han's attention shifted to him almost immediately.

  Well, everyone's attention, to be exact. As the Sprite has this unusual talent of garnering attention wherever he go. It was both a perk and a drawback exclusive for his race.

  Leifen's big grin, as well as his eyes full of mischief, didn't escape Choi Han's sight. Making him sigh, vague thought of escaping the awaiting chaos the green haired was planning to stir this time passed his mind.

  Still, he reluctantly stayed in place and waited for the four children of different colors to approach.

  "Is there something I can help you with, Prince Leifen?"

  Choi Han asked as soon as the four was within reached. The wolf siblings, excluding Lock, was also looking curiously at the overly excited green haired.

  "Yep, we definitely need help! We also need Rosalyn noona's help as well! No, better yet, let's drag everyone!"

  Leifen said while practically bouncing on his toes. He just casually ignored the incredulous looks everyone was sending his way. Letting out an evil chuckle which gave chills to everyone around.


  Cale's day started relatively peaceful, that was untill a glaringly bright invitation card was sent his way. The glorious green and gold scheme of the invitation was a sharp contrast to the black tray holding it.

  In short, it was impossible to miss unless you're blind or an idiot.

  And Cale was neither. So, he begrudgingly picked the glittery card up to read its content. Although, he actually already knew who sent it as the color made it so painfully obvious.

  But a second after reading, he immediately regretted it. The golden words written in both bold and italics greeted Cale's eyes. The leter was full of fancy wording, it was a blunt yet still weirdly pleasant letter.

  [You are invited to a "Garden Themed Blind Date for Single People", where nature will be the one to change your marital status. Formal wear is a must! See you there!]

  Cale let out a big sigh he has been holding ever since he saw the card. He looked at the cursed thing as if wishing it'll burst in flames. But then, a small sentence that he missed at the bottom caught his attention.

  [PS: The children; Raon, On, Hong and the Wolf siblings are the one who poured countless amount of efforts into this. Feel free to reject or ignore!]

  Yep, no chance of escape.

  Cale was aware that the Sprite's talent for scamming was pretty much none existent. Instead, it was heavily compensated with a talent in guilt tripping. Which was uselessly effective specially when it comes to their group.


  At Cale's call, the door of the room opened. Revealing an old man in a butler suit, smiling benignly towards the red-head.

  "Yes young master-nim?"

  Cale got chills while looking at the old butler, Ron Molan. Who would've thought that this smiling old man was actually a vicious assassin?

  He showed Ron the green invitation with his usual stoic face. But the butler's expression didn't change, making Cale sigh once again.

  "Tell me the details."

  He said then proceeded to slumped down on the couch. Drinking the sweet yet sour lemon tea that Ron always prepare for him.

  "The children were planning a party last time, Young Master-nim. It seems that, this was it."

  Ron stated calmly. Still, that wasn't what Cale wanted to know. The old man probably knew that, but he didn't give any more details.
  Of course, Cale wasn't aware that Ron himself was in on Leifen's plan. How he managed to persuade the assassin? Well, no one will ever know.

  "Are you planning to attend, Young Master?"

  Ron asked even if he already knew the answer. Which made Cale even more annoyed than he already is. Still, the redhead nodded while looking grim.

  Similarly, at the Palace in the Capital of Roan Kingdom, Crown Prince Alberu Crossman received the exact same invite. With just the color scheme used in the card, Alberu immediately knew who sent it.

  He just calmly read its content before letting out a rather amused expression. This was actually perfect for him. After all, he needed a change of pace from time to time as well. Being a Prince and all.

  Other than the two prominent figures in Roan, other high ranking and popular individuals received the same card as well.
  Namely; the fake holy maiden Hannah, the Mercenary King Bud Ilis, the Mercenary King's Secretary Glenn Poef, the Whipper Kingdom's Commander Toonka, the Whipper Kingdom's Chief Harol Kodiang, the Necromancer Mary, and the Whale Tribe's Archie and Paseton.

  Everything was meticulously planned and set by the children, including Leifen who's still in his child form. The date, venue, time, foods as well as the programs and servers.
  Now all that's left was to let the party started...

  (To be continued...)

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