11•Staying At The Dragon's Lair•11

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  Leifen grew up in a "normal" world. He couldn't remember his parents face, but at least he has an older sister he can depend on.

  His sister, who was Leifen's everything, was a police officer. He can vividly remember the first time they met. He was just five at that time.

  His parents house, or at least what Leifen remembered was their house, was caught up in a terrorist bombing. A d*mn maniac from a terrorist group bombed the place, directly killing hundreds of innocent civilians.

  He was luckily saved by a police officer at that time, but his parents weren't as fortunate. And when the police officer who saved him found out that he was now an orphan, she directly adopted him as her brother.

  That police officer was his sister who he loved and treasured more than anything else.

  Leifen's sister was an "upright" woman who was "above everyone". Well, that's according to public opinion. In truth, that girl was nothing but a big softie.

  She was a caring and warm individual who put other's needs before hers. But would never admit that she cares. And she always claimed that she was doing things for her own self interest, but in truth, she was moving because she cared.

  At first, Leifen thought, "Hey, isn't my sis basically the same as Cale?", but she wasn't. Cale was a dense bastard, his sister wasn't. Then, Leifen read the part where Cale met Eruhaben.
  He was stunned.

  Like, how come he could see a shadow of his sister on such a perfect character? It just simply didn't make any sense. That's Eruhaben! An ancient gold dragon! The most perfect being Leifen ever seen before!
  So how come that perfect being actually remind him of his sister? Needless to say, Leifen vehemently refused that idea.

  But now...

  Watching Eruhaben calmly and patiently explain to him more about his race, he was once again seeing his sister's image overlapping the gold dragon's. The same patient tone, the same nonchalant but meticulous attitude, the same warmth.

  It has been a month since Leifen and Eruhaben met. And, believe it or not, the gold dragon himself was the one who volunteered to be Leifen's teacher. For what reason, well, Leifen had no clue.

  But there was no way in hell the green haired would refused such a once in a lifetime offer. Only idiots would refuse something like that.

  Leifen then started to stay at the gold dragon's lair. Which it, in itself, was a huge honor for him. What more, to have Eruhaben as his teacher. It was simply more than a dream come true. (A/N: Goodness, I'm starting to get jealous of my Leifen.)

  And by staying at Eruhaben's side, Leifen discovered a lot of similarities between the ancient dragon and his sister. Similar habits that he found fascinating yet frustrating.

  For example, when he sat, he almost always crossed his legs in an elegant manner. And you can sometimes hear him muttering to himself as well when he was reading or studying something.

  There was also one time when Eruhaben was focused on reading and Leifen came to him to ask something, the gold haired dragon just subconsciously patted him in the head. As if telling him to behave.

  It was the exact same action his sister always did to him when she was busy with something. Which almost brought him to tears right on the spot.
  Well, he did stood frozen on his spot for a few minutes after that. He also stared at Eruhaben in daze for some time, which was immediately noticed by the dragon. After that, for some reason, the gold dragon started patting him in the head more frequently.

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