16•.... Prince?•16

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  Leifen decided to stay at the Inn instead of following around Cale. And yes, he stayed with the Molan duo in his normal sized, visible form.

  "You know, you two really should relax. I already said I'm a friend. You're both really lucky to be in my presence you know."

  Like a king, Leifen sipped his tea while eating cookies Cale packed for their journey. He was leisurely sitting on the sofa inside the Molan duo's room.

  You can't blame him, he was bored. And he couldn't reveal himself to the Dark Elves as well to play with them. So this was the next best thing.

  "You know, you guys are no fun at all. I suddenly miss Princey."

  Leifen whispered the last part to himself which was fortunately too quiet even for the two to hear.

  He really did miss the Crown Prince who, despite all his paperworks and busy schedules, still managed to converse and play with him. Unlike this two stoic duo who was staring at him with a stoic expression.

  The now black haired Sprite looked extraordinarily beautiful and.... evil. That was why both Ron and Beacrox couldn't help but be wary of him.

  But at the same time, they couldn't help but completely trust him. Despite his arrogance and sarcastic remarks here and there, he seemed rather... innocent... in their eyes.

  Ron subconsciously placed another plate full of cookies after noticing that his was starting to get empty.

  Seeing this, the black haired smirked arrogantly at him as if saying it was right for Ron to serve a mighty being like him.

  "Good! You know your place lemonade gramps!" (A/N: Suddenly realizing he sounded a bit like Raon when he first met Cale ( ꈍᴗꈍ))

  Leifen said. Subconsciously using the nickname the fandom used for Ron back in his old world.

  Meanwhile, Ron didn't comment about the sudden nickname. Actually, he secretly felt some sort of satisfaction after hearing it.

  Beacrox silently watched all this with a stoic expression while calmly looking at the child like adult in front of them. Both the father and son were an experienced expert when it comes to reading people so both of them immediately noticed it...

  'He is a child.'

  They simultaneously thought before exchanging glances.

  Meanwhile, Leifen was blissfully unaware of all of this as he continued boasting about his "adventures" with his cookie friend, the Crown Prince, to the two.


  Cale looked incredulously at the now black haired Sprite sitting confidently at the sofa.

  "You changed."

  Leifen rolled his eyes at the idiotic statement.

  "No sh*t. Thanks for stating the obvious, I'm totally unaware that I changed."

  Leifen said. Voice dripping thick with sarcasm. Meanwhile, Cale totally ignored his tone.

  Leifen was sitting on the sofa with his posture straight and upright. Back straight and chin up, just like how he always see Eruhaben and Alberu sat.

  Cale plopped down the other couch with the three children. And Ron, who appeared out of nowhere, handed him his famous lemon tea.

  Leifen watched all this while looking straight at the lemon tea.

A Little Change [TCF/LCF Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora