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         The warmth coming from Lorenzo's hand in mine is the only source of comfort that I have right now. I don't know why I'm so nervous I just don't think I'm ready for the questions or weird stares from his family. Once we are past the door we are swamped by everyone trying to get a look at Gianni that's covered by Lorenzo. "Who is this?" Marco asks looking down at sleeping Gianni before looking at Lorenzo and me. "Your grandson Gianni." He answers with no hesitation and the room gets eerily quiet like everyone is trying to process the information before Mia lets out a loud screech barreling toward us looking at us with silent permission before reaching for him. "Oh my god I have a grand baby." Mia whispers while silent tears fall down her face. Marco leans over his wife to get a better look as did everyone else it was quiet beside the whispers about how cute he was or how small he is. "How did this happen?" Marco asks looking up at us with curious eyes. "Cryptic pregnancy." Was all I said he nodded looking back down before letting out a breath and giving Mia a kiss on the head. "You two my office we need to discuss some things Mia can watch Gianna in the mean time." I nodded not really feeling like I had a choice to decline. I can feel my heart beating against my rib cage as my palms begin to sweat. I look over at Lorenzo and see him completely emotionless like always not giving anything away making me frustrated. Once we make it inside his office which looked similar to Lorenzo's only lighter colors. We took our seats as Marco sits behind his desk taking out a big cigar throwing one to Lorenzo before taking out one for himself. "Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on around here? It's starting to feel like we're running a fucking circus." He lights his cigar looking at is waiting for an explanation. I look over at Lorenzo not sure what all to tell him he looks over and sees my expression he turns to his father. "Which part do you want me to explain first?" He asks taking a hit of his cigar blowing but into the air letting the smoke linger around. "Gianni." Was all he said. Lorenzo nods his head like he understands the confusion around him. "It took me by surprise too. I've been looking for her for about six months at that point when Theo came to me and said that we got a hit at some hospital in Florida I wasn't even sure if it was her or not so I sent a Leonardo to see and he confirmed he seen her but he said that I needed to get there immediately and didn't explain further I thought something horrible happened but once I landed I seen it. He wasn't talking about an emergency he was talking about her having my baby, she was sent into surgery due to so much blood lost I was able to spend some time with him. I knew instantly he was mine I mean he looks just like me I wasn't even doubting it just pissed that someone ran away and then something like this happens." He looks over at me at the end with a pointed look before turning back to his father that was listening intently while smoking. "Why did you run away Daisy?" Marco ask with genuine curiosity. I take a breath before answering I can tell at this point that Lorenzo has kept him in the dark about this whole situation. "Well for starters my real name is Grazia Romana my father was the head of the Romana empire as you may already know. I'm not sure what you have heard about the story of what happened but whatever you heard was probably a lie. I met Aleksei when I was a very young child we started off as friends due to our father creating allies between each other as I got into my teens years we started to date as was expected but due to this our fathers made a pact for Aleksei and I to get married to strengthen both businesses. My father was not sure in the beginning but I told him that I loved him and it would be easy way to strengthen the family and after convincing he agreed but only when I was off age of course and once it was signed it was like hell broke loose. I can't remember the day that well so much had happened it to much to try to think about at one time. I do remember Aleksei inviting me to dinner like we usually do so thinking nothing of it I meet with him and right off the bag he seems different like he was colder and had a deranged look on his face I could feel the alarms going off in my head. He seen the shift in my body he sensed that I was going to run. He grabbed me before I could make it out his door and dragged me back into his house where he beat and raped me spewing all this bullshit about bringing the families together with a offspring after a few hours but it really felt like days he stopped taking a break to talk in the phone I took the opportunity to wrap the lamp cord around his throat I thought I had killed him but unfortunately he only passed out. When I ran into my house I was bloody and bruised I could barely get the words out but when I did my father was irate he immediately declared war after getting me help. He was ready for war but he was prepared for the Russians to invade our home that same night. They knew my father was going to make them pay and they decided to end it all together. They killed off the guards we did have and beat my brother to death in my bedroom before dragging me to my parents who was tied up to a chair Aleksei standing behind them with a sinister smile on his face holding a lighter over my parents who were soaked in gasoline. I cried and pleaded for them to not do anything but all he said was I needed to learn my lesson before dropping the lighter on them and making me watch them burn alive. I can still hear their screams as I was being dragged out the house." I gave away the full truth of my story not holding anything back, it's time I finally start to come clean with everything. Both Lorenzo and Marco sat silent the whole time listening. I watched Lorenzo out the corner of my eye and seen him gripping the chair during certain parts of my story. Marco was harder to read he gave absolutely nothing away but I can tell he was putting pieces of my story together I can see the wheels in his head starting to turn. "You're Grazia Romana." He didn't ask more like stated to himself like he was in shock. "I knew you look familiar..." he mumbles grabbing the phone on his desk ringing someone up. "Who are you calling?" Lorenzo asks putting his cigar out. "Carlo." Was all he said before he staring spewing something in Italian so fast that I couldn't keep up before hanging up and returning to his same spot in his chair. "Your uncle will be here in three days to speak with you. You have a lot of things to be filled in on and it's going to be overwhelming but we are now at war with the Russians we will keep things between this family within these walls. I won't push anything else on you about that until Carlo comes and explains everything to you." He looks me over making sure I'm processing everything okay and I guess I look fine because he nods turning his attention to Lorenzo. On the inside I felt like I was going through every emotion I could feel a panic attack approaching but I push it aside and focus on what's going on in front of me. "I think we will wait to discuss anything else until we have a meeting and everyone is here. I'll call the allies and have them sent here but how do we keep the suspension low with everyone showing up? We can host a party maybe make it look less suspicious." Lorenzo shakes his head to the idea looking over me slowly before turning back to his father. "A weeding." He says taking both Marco and I by surprise. "Grazia and I can get married and unite both Italian families making both grow stronger. Plus with this war coming up we can always use the alliances of the Romana family." He explains causing his father to sit back in his chair thinking he silently agrees before they both turn their attention to me. "Okay." I give in almost immediately due to their piercing stares. Lorenzo looks pleased that I didn't put up much of a fight. What choice did I really have? I'm doing this for the safety of my family. You're doing this because you love Lorenzo. My inner voice teases as I look over Lorenzo. I couldn't help but feel sadness at the thought of Lorenzo only wanting to marry me because I would strengthen the family not because he wanted to be with me. I can't even be upset because I made it seem like I didn't want to get married then I ran away like a fucking idiot thinking it was a smart idea. "You two can leave and I'll talk to your mother about the wedding plans. Lorenzo keep in mind you take over once your vows are complete." His father gave him something to think about. He just nodded grabbing my hand helping me out the chair.

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