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       We were on the water for only a day when Damon woke me up at another dock and told me we were switching to a plane and flying the rest of the way. He made us cover up so no one spotted us he thought it would be the best option considering Lorenzo is probably looking for me by now. I could help but continue to look over my shoulder ever since I found out Aleksei found me and now Lorenzo is going to be looking for me. The thought of both of them after me makes me physically sick but I try to keep myself calm and trust Damon. We landed in Florida about twenty minutes ago and now we are in a cab on the way to the house Damon got us I honestly couldn't wait to settle down somewhere I'm so fucking tired I could collapse with exhaustion I just finally wanted to be somewhere safe but it seems as though that isn't going to happen anytime soon. 
     Us pulling into a large secluded home pulls me out of my thoughts.  The beautiful house that comes into view confuses me I look over at Damon. "Whose place is this?" I asked seeing him turn his attention away from the road to me. "It's ours why you don't like it?" He asked looking at the house through the front window. "No it's beautiful how can we afford this?" I frown now worrying about how we are going to be able to survive with no money. He puts the car into park and turns the engine off before turning to me. "Okay don't get mad at me but when you said that Aleksei was back in the picture and you wanted me to come down I figured it would be sooner or later before shit hit the fan so before I left I started to get new identities for us as well as a place to stay we we flee also I have money to spend I think you forget that Im a computer geniuses I also drained your bank account and had it transferred anonymously into your new checking account although I think it would be best for right now if we just used cash." Once he was finished the car was silent for a minute before I finally said something. "So you took my money transferred it then started to change our identities on top of getting us a place to stay?" He nodded with a simple shrug like it's no big deal but we both know I would be dead if he wouldn't be there to save me. "I know I've said this already but you're a fucking genius and thank you for all this." He lets out a loud groan throwing his head back and turns and Valdez at me playfully. "Stop thanking me women and of course I tell you Im smarter then you all the time now let's go check the house." He climbs out the car slamming the door behind him. I shake my head letting out a laugh he always avoids emotional situations like the plague but I know he loves me. I step out the car looking at the house as the salty air blows through my hair The house was cute simple two story house I can tell we live within walking distance of the beach because I can hear the waves crashing against the shoreline and the smell of salt water in the air I take a deep breath taking it all in. "It's not much but it's good enough for a while come on let me show you the house." He leads me to the front door grabbing the key from above the door frame and unlocking the door and walking inside I follow behind him looking over the interior of the house. "This is obviously the kitchen maybe you can improve on your cooking skills." He teases as we continue to walk through the house he continues to show me the living room and the backyard with a pool and a hot-tub he finally shows me to my room giving me a shove inside. "Now lay your ass down and get some rest  we have a lot to talk about later." He tells me before shutting the door and leaving me to myself I lay down on my back out let out a breath of air. I couldn't help but wonder what Lorenzo was doing right now if he was looking for me or if he's already found me and is in his way to get me right now. I try to push those thoughts out of my head and make my way into the bathroom to take a shower and try to relax. I look through the drawers and cabinets and find a basic bar of soap and some rags and towels, working with what I had I grabbed them and set them in the sink and look at myself in the mirror. I looked like shit my hair is a mess and I have smeared mascara running down my face I looked like a train wreck. I rid myself of my clothes before stepping into the shower I lean my head against the shower tile and let the hot water run through my hair and down my back images of Aleksei started flashing through my vision and my breathing starts  to shallow out and my heart rate picks up. I let myself slide down the shower wall into the floor and let the water run over me as I let out silent cries. I wanted to be happy with Lorenzo so bad but we couldn't not when I was living my life with a lie and a past I couldn't escape from. The water mixed with my tears as it washed down the drain.
    Eventually I was able to peel myself off the shower floor and wash before stepping out into the now steamy bathroom. I throw on a random pair of clothes I brought and made my way into the kitchen where Damon was sitting at the table doing god knows what on his laptop. I sit down on the stool beside him blowing out air and look over at him. "You ready for your new identity?" He asks looking over at me before turning his attention back onto his laptop screen. "Lay it on me." I sign getting comfortable in my seat he clears his throat before pulling out two files one for me and one for him. He lays my file in front of me and throws his in front of him while closing his laptop a moving it to the side I open the file scanning over the information. "Your name is now Catalina Martinez I know you wanted to keep your last name but right now its best if we change everything about you. I created your own bank account along with your ID and social security card I figured it would be best right now if you wanted to work that it should be somewhere that pays under the table at least for right now. My name is Mateo Martinez I have us as siblings obviously I wasn't going to miss that opportunity." He finishes as I was going through the papers with all the different information on it. I let out a small laugh shaking my head at him making us siblings only he would take the chance to do that. "Okay so Mateo can we go shopping please we have nothing here plus Iom starving. " I whine just as my stomach starts to growl. He nods in agreement putting his stuff away as he grabs his keys. Once we ere in the car we started driving Damon excuse me Mateo rolls own the windows and lets the warm air blow around the car making my hair blow around my face. "So where do you want to go first?" He asks driving down the semi busy road as I watched all the people walking along the sidewalk. "I need some clothes plus we need basic house necessaries and grocery." I told him as I pulled out a small paper and a pen and started making a lid of everything we needed. It wasn't to much longer till Mateo was pulling into a strip with different stores lining up the sidewalks. He pulls into a parking spot and turns the car off before turning to me. "You ready to start our new lives?" He gives me a big goofy smile making me let out a small laugh while shaking my head at him. "Ready as I'll ver be I guess." I give him a bright smile before getting out the car. "We can start with everything we need for the house drop the bags off here then get food." He says as he starts to make his way down the brightly colored walkway.


      Mateo lets out yet another groan while carrying the last of our bags to the car. "We have enough stuff for several years underground." He whines for the thousandth time in the last hour. "We are done now so shut the hell up already." I roll my eyes at him while setting the last of the bags in the trunk before slamming it shut. "Now let's go get some fast food." I shove him toward the drivers door as I went to the passenger side climbing in. "Finally something I've been wanting since we got here." I can't help but laugh at him even when I feel like shit and my life is literally falling apart he still can make me feel better about myself.
    We pulled into a drive through of some Resturant and ordered a bunch of greasy food that I couldn't wait to get into. As we were driving down the road a bunch of fireworks started to go off on the near by beach I let my eyes take in the beautiful colors erupting into the sky I couldn't help the tears that surfaced and started to fall I couldn't help but feel like I will never be able to catch a break. I could feel Mateo looking over at me with concern. "You know things will start to get better and I will always be here for you." He takes one hand off the wheel and places it on my head and gives me a brotherly pat before messing the top of my hair up forcing a small laugh out of me. "Yes I know and I cant thank you enough I would probably be dead if it wasn't for out saving my ass all the time." He nods his head in agreement mumbling true true over and over letting out a laugh I playfully punch him in the shoulder making him glare over at me and start scolding me about safe driving.
   We eventually pull back into our driveway and unload all the groceries ad start to dig into our food in silence, but it wasn't long until I broke it. "So do you think Lorenzo is looking for me?" I asked taking a bite of my burger Mateo nods his head putting a handful of fries in his mouth. "Yea most definitely its just a matter of time really I mean I'm really good at my job but I don't know what kind of people he has on his payroll all I can do is keep trying to make us look invisible as possible." He answered what I already knew the answer to but it didn't scare me any less I wasn't scared of dying but I was scared of what was going to happen to Damon. "If he catches us what do you think he will do with us?" I couldn't help but ask before taking a large sip of my drink. "He will probably kill me but for you I don't know you're special to him so for you I couldn't answer." He shrugs throwing his wrapper away in the bag before drinking the rest of his soda but I lost my appetite setting the rest of my food down and Mateo seems to notice. "You don't need to worry for me I will be fine I will make sure we stay safe for as a long as possible." He assures me trying to make me feel better and it works a bit but I cant help but feel helpless in this situation. "Okay tomorrow is a new day go to bed and get some sleep you look like hell we will try to find some jobs tomorrow and check out the rest of the town and then hit the beach." He shoos me off to my room as he starts to clean up the trash on the table I don't fight him feeling my body become heavy itch sleep mumbling a goodnight I go into my room and crash on the bed finally letting sleep over take me.

I know this chapter is kind of short butt I just used it as a filler chapter but I think this next one will make up for it.

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