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              I had no idea what the fuck I was going to wear to dinner I'm not sure why I am nervous I have already met them and everyone is so nice but I cant help but have a nervous flutter in my stomach taking a deep breath I shake the feeling off going through my clothes.

    I went with a simple brown dress and light brown wedges not wanting to over dress I left my hair down and decided on no makeup a knock on the door gets my attention Opening it I see Aria.

        "Hey dinner is ready if you would like to come down

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        "Hey dinner is ready if you would like to come down." She smiled to which I returned nodding my head I stepped out the room. She looks my outfit up an down and her smile becomes bigger. "Your outfit is so cute." She complimented me as we made our way down the long hall. "Thank you so much. I love your dress. Do you typically stay with dark colors? They look amazing on you." She beams looking own at her tight black dress. "Awe thank you and yes I do mom hates it she says I need to add more color but fuck that, thats not for me." We laugh as we come into the kitchen to see Lorenzo mother  Mia placing dishes down on the table.
      She hears us coming in and turn her attention on us giving us a motherly smile. "Have a seat ladies dinner just came out the oven. The boys should be own any minute." She pours three glasses of wine handing it to us taking a sip and having a seat at the table Aria and I follow behind. "So Daisy what kind of work do you do if you don't mind me asking." Mia asks I take a sip of my wine before answering. "I worked as a psychiatrist." I gave a grey answer not sure if I should go into to much detail. She seemed impressed with this new found information. "Wow thats very impressive for your young age. I knew when I seen you that you are a very intelligent women." Her words bring me comfort as I thank her. We continue small talk for a few minutes before the deep voices speaking Italian breaks our conversations. As soon as Mia sees her husband she sends him a glare. "You're late." She says to which he smiles and gives her a kiss on the forehead before taking a seat beside her. The rest of the Rossi men follow suit taking their respected seats. Leonardo however decides he wants to sit next to me sliding the chair out he plops down giving me a flirty smile. "Missed me?" He teases but before I could say anything he was grabbed from the back of the collar and yank up out the chair and roughly shoved.

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