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       Lorenzo must have came to bed late last night because the sun is out and he is still sleeping next to me with his arm wrapped tightly around me his head buried in my neck his beard tickling my shoulder.   I lay there for a while letting him hold me enjoying the warmth and feeling of safety. After a while I get the feeling that I need to pee I wiggle around trying to get out his hold without waking him up but he has a damn death grip on my waist. I continue to try to wiggle out is embrace but after a few more tries he stats to groan gripping my hip pulling me back to him. "Stop moving." His morning voice makes my skin erupt in goosebumps.  Pulling me back to him I can feel his erection pressing against my ass. "Lorenzo I have to pee." I whine moving around some more. He chuckles sending a vibration through my back before loosening his grip on me letting me go I get up in a hurry and run to the bathroom. After finishing up I walk back into the room to find Lorenzo still laying in bed with his arm over his eyes shielding them from the sun. The bright rays shined down onto his body giving me a direct view of all his glory. The way the ink was incorporate into his skin accompanied by the scars kiss his look devilishly handsome. Biting by lip I stand at the door of the bathroom just admiring his beauty. I let my eyes rank over his muscular chest down his tone abs to his deep define v that has a happy trail going down from his tattooed bellybutton letting my eyes drop lower I take in the large bulge poking through his sweats. "I can feel your eyes on me babygirl." His voice causes my eyes to shoot up to his face to see him looking over at me  smirking tiredly. "Can't blame me." I shrug walking up to sit beside him in bed. "So what are the plans for today?" I asked pushing his dark hair out his face. "I have guest coming over later tonight I'll be hosting a party and discussing business. There will be people you don't know walking through the house so be extra careful. I will have a guard with you at all times tonight just to be sure I'm sure that some of the guest will be staying. I plan to get some business deals done while we're here before we go  Italy." He sighs rubbing the palm of his hands over his eyes. I'm sure this is what he stayed up most of the night organizing. "I will be able to attend the part right? I mean I will have a guard with me like you said so..." I wait for him to answer, he lays there for a minute before giving in. "Fine but you have to be with the guard at all times. Do you understand?"  He gives me a stern look letting me know he was not fucking around. I throw up my hands in surrender giving him an innocent smile. "Okay I will. But can I go shopping please I want new outfits please." He poke out my bottom lip trying to give him puppy dog eyes. "I told you you could go into town. I unfortunately can't be the one to take you I have a lot of shit I need to get together. Get ready and meet me in my office when you're ready to go." He gets out of bed before  stretching his arms out making his sweatpants fall dangerously low biting my I look away for my own sanity. He walks into the bathroom shortly after I hear the shower running. Going into the closet I pick out something cute to wear. Finding a cute nude halter top  dress I think it's perfect for this weather I paired it with clear heels with nude straps that wrapped around my ankles. Walking back in the bedroom I see Lorenzo emerging from the bathroom dressed in a black dress shirt that clung to his muscle the gold chain shining through the black shirt he paired it with black pants that fit him perfectly. I can smell his cologne and musky scent wafting into the room chasing me to take a deep breath taking it in making me crave him even more. He walks over to the drawer grabbing his watch and rings putting them on before grabbing his gun tucking it in the back of his pants and fuck me did he look so fucking sexy. He turns around and his eyes catch me standing there looking at hm like a creep. "Do you need something babygirl?" He questions with a slight smirk.  Shaking my head I let out a light laugh giving him a once over. "Nope just looking don't mind me." I shrug biting my bottom lip he just shakes his head in amusement at my antics. "Well if that is all I'm going to my office you know where to find me when you're done." He walks over to me giving me a peck on the top of my head before making his way out the door.

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