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Carly's pov
the next morning

  "Get the fuck off her!" I yelled at my dad.

He continued throwing punches at my mom as she she tried to block him.

  "I said get off!"

He stopped and shoved me against me the wall, moving closer so we were at eye level.

  "This is all your fault, you fucking brat! How dare you try to turn your mother against me!" He yelled back.

  "Bite me!" I said, spitting on him.

I ducked under him and escaped, trying to help her to her feet.

  "We have to go! Now!" I said to her.

  "You're not going anywhere!" He interfered, grabbing my hair and yanking me to the ground.

I groaned in pain and turned to my side.

  "I have given you both everything! You're gonna learn today!" He yelled.

I began to crawl away, but he stomped on my leg with his steel toe boots.

I could of sworn I heard my bone snap.

I screamed in agony and began sweating profusely.

He took his belt off and began swinging it onto every part of my body.

I became weaker by the second.

  "You leave my baby alone!" I heard my mom yell.

I was tuning in and out, but I saw her charge through him, sending them both tumbling to the ground.

I thought it might be over.

Until he grabbed a knife.

Max's pov

  "That's just gross. Let's never go into his thoughts again." I laughed, giving El a playful shove.

She laughed as she took the blindfold off.

  "Who should we do next?" She asked.

I looked at the board and realized we had gone through literally everyone.

I shrugged and just thought about it for a second.

She, however, already had an idea.

  "What about Carly?" She suggested.

  "Oh, um, I'm not sure. I feel kind of bad invading her privacy. She's been through a lot." I said.

She agreed and we just kept thinking, but there was literally nobody else we thought of.

  "How about if it's something super embarrassing, I just leave really fast?" She asked.

I still wasn't sure. I'd feel pretty guilty later.

  "Alright," I finally gave in, "but we never speak of it."

She put the blindfold back on and we both quietly sat there so she could focus her energy.

  "I'm in." She whispered.

I leaned forward, studying her body language.

She began to struggle a little bit and hyperventilate with no signs of slowing down.

  "El, what do you see?" I asked.

  "B-blood. Blood!"

She began to scream and I grabbed her shoulders trying to snap her out of it.

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