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Carly's pov
Six days later

It had almost been a whole week since I've heard from, or even seen Billy.

I wasn't losing my mind, but I definitely felt some sort of void. Maybe the correct term was "avoided".

I would see Max every so often at the arcade and she would talk to me along with all her friends, but she really just made think me of him.

I loved her company, though.

He would still come pick her up every time she was there, but he never came inside. She knew to go whenever an engine revved.

I wasn't gonna go out there. It made me look desperate.

I was, but it was embarrassing.

Keith would constantly try to make his move, but I would ignore him. He really was weird and kind of perverted.

I knew in my heart of hearts, despite everything, I needed a way to tune back into reality.

I started with Nancy by dialing her number.

  "Hello?" A man answered.

  "Uh, hi there," I awkwardly replied, "is Nancy home by chance?"

I heard him yell her name repeatedly, making me jump every time. He was loud.

  "Steve, I already told you! I'm happy with Jonathan, so you need to stop calling and let it go!" She yelled into the line.

I see where she gets it from.

  "Not Steve." I said.

  "Carly? Oh, God. How embarrassing."

I quietly laughed. First time in awhile.

  "It's all good. I just wanted to call and apologize for being an ass last week. It had nothing to do with you, there was just a lot going on." I said.

She let out a small sigh.

  "I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have been as pushy and realized you weren't ready to talk about it. I'm glad you called."

  "Me too. So, what's new?" I asked.

  "Nothing really. Are you doing anything later? I'm sure it'll be good for you to get out of the house!"

I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about it.

I had been cooped up in here all week, so maybe she was right.

  "No, actually. I should be free. What did you have in mind?" I asked.

  "Well, now that you mention it, there's this party tonight and you should totally come with Jonathan and I!" She exclaimed.

I had a bad feeling about this whole thing, already.

I was new, still barely knew anyone but everyone knew about me. All because of drama.

  "Oh, uh, I don't know, Nance. A party isn't really my setting. Plus I don't wanna be a third wheel." I laughed.

  "Oh, please! You're already easily gonna be one of the prettiest girls there! You won't be a third wheel for long. It'll be fun! You deserve to let loose and live your life, so I'll be picking you up at seven!"


  "Seven!" She cut me off, disconnecting from the line.

I hung up the phone and rolled my eyes.

Inconvenient Flame || Billy Hargroveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن