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Hello if you're reading this!! This is my first fanfiction on this app. It may be lousy and I may or may not have had some writers block at some point. *sweats nervously*

Some chapters are longer than others and I cut out the big events that actually happen in Stranger Things like the Mind Flayer, ect. To keep the story more relevant to the meaning behind it.

If you wanna consider this a y/n story, that's totally fine. I just feel like it's kind of awkward typing that out every time, so I made up a character. 😅

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! I'm always open to feedback and of course some requests!

I'm also gonna add again that there are some chapters that contain abuse, violence and strong language!

Important key elements:

~•~• = a change in pov
*** = a jump forward in time that's still in the current person's pov

Also, any big time jumps will be put under the person's pov so there's no confusion!!

Happy reading! 💕

Inconvenient Flame || Billy HargroveWhere stories live. Discover now