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Carly's pov
the next morning

"Carly!" My mother yelled.

I briefly opened my eyes and then shut them again, ignoring her.

They were heavy and I was tired from everything that had happened last night.

"Carly, get out here! Now!" My father yelled, barging into my room.

Startled was an understatement. I instantly shot up and followed him into the living room.

"What's going on? It's like eight in the morning." I yawned.

I was suddenly fully awake when I saw the police and Donnie's mom front and center in my living room.

I looked over at my mom who had her hand over her mouth, holding back tears.

I didn't even wanna know what my dad looked like.

"Can somebody please tell me what the hell is going on?!" I asked.

"Why don't you tell us?" The officer replied, holding up his badge.

It read Calvin Powell, Hawkins P.D.

"I can't tell you anything because I don't know." I responded.

Donnie's mother got up in my face and began to scream.

"You tell this officer who you had hurt my baby last night!" She yelled.


"Don't you play stupid with me! He's so badly injured that I had to take the first flight out here! You had one of your punk friends beat him up!"

I looked at both my parents who were just as shocked as I was.

"I had nothing to do with anything that happened to him!" I pleaded.

"Bull!" She yelled, making her way up to my parents.

"You two are just as bad! Unfit parents! He was supposed to be here the whole time! Why did he end up in a hotel in the middle of nowhere to begin with?!"

"I don't know, Diane. We weren't home last night." My mother said to her.

"What a shock. Still acting like you guys are teenagers that can hold your liquor. I see nothing has changed since you left!" She responded.

My parents looked so embarrassed and I honestly was for them.

"I threw your son out, Diane." I piped up.

She turned her attention back to me.

"We got into an argument and broke up because I found out he's not as perfect as you think he is. He did this to my face!" I said, pointing at all the marks.

"Sure he did! I know this is just a cover up! You're not so innocent. I'll bet you're sleeping with the guy who did this to him!" She yelled.

I sarcastically chuckled and put my hand over my head.

"I don't even know who did whatever you're talking about to him!" I said.

"Allow me to take over, please." Officer Powell said to her.

He pulled out his notepad, ready to jot anything down.

"Carly, I don't wanna accuse you of anything if you really don't know what's going on. However, I need you to tell me the truth about anything that's asked." He said.

"Of course." I agreed.

"You said you had kicked Donnie out of your house last night, correct? Do we have a time frame this happened in?"

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