training at the training camp

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tw; cursing, fighting, implied injuries, implied insomnia/lack of sleep, aizawa's hell training, detrimental overworking of students, overworking, Quirk overuse, lichtenberg figure mention, mentioned/implied electrical burns, hospital mention, mentioned/implied heart problems, mentioned/implied acid\chemical burns, scary chemicals are mentioned, migraine mention, bloody nose mention, my wrist has been hurting like crazy recently so that's why this took me a while, probably more, let me know what i misses


I skipped into the room. "Delivery from Shiggy~!" I called. "He wanted us to bring these along when we go, I think there's enough for everybody!"

"C'mon," Muscular complained, "let's hurry up and do this! I'm ready."

"It's still too early," Mustard pointed out. He's such a smart kid! "Besides, he said we shouldn't do anythin' too fl-flashy."

"Yeah... He acted like such a spoiled brat when we first met, but now he's starting to take charge of things... Funny considering how easy he is to piss off." Dabi stood up on the crate he was sitting on. "This is nothing more than a warning shot. We'll pull those false heroes off those gilded pedestals. And we'll make a bright new future for this world." 


The next day, at five thirty in the morning, Aizawa woke his class up from their varying levels of restful sleep. They started the day with a progress check demonstration, showing how Bakugou's Quirk had barely improved over the course of an entire semester. Aizawa explained how the camp would be to help them improve their Quirks on a more fundamental level. Aizawa grinned widly, saying, "This'll be so hard you'll feel like you're dying... Let's hope you all survive."

Kaminari's training was actually something he was pretty familiar with. It was quite similar to the Quirk training he did at home with his parents. It was also not similar at all. The training he did at home was something his Quirk Counsellor had set up after seeing how his Quirk functions. He was supposed to maintain a steady circuit of electricity through a generator or conductor of some sort, while another lightning user on the other side helps to even out the circuit and pushed the electricity back into the generator or conductor, making it easier for him to pull the electricity back into himself and complete the circuit without exhausting him. The Quirk counsellor he went to said that, right now, the maximum he should train his Quirk like that for is fifty minutes every other day. ...He had a sneaking suspicion that he was going to be going a lot longer than fifty minutes. And besides that, his Quirk counsellor hadn't cleared him to train on his own yet, without another lightning user on the other side of the circuit. Plus, this training wasn't actually creating a circuit. He wouldn't be drawing back in the energy he lost in creating the circuit, he would just be losing energy and eventually he'd run out of stored electricity, so his body would have to convert other things into energy and into electricity. That's a fast way to detrimentally overwork his Quirk and injure himself. He has burned himself with his Quirk before, he was expecting to be covered in lichtenberg figures for a week after this.

Jirou was less familiar with the training that Aizawa had assigned her to, because it wasn't similar to the training schedule her counsellor had given her. Because she'd been actively hospitalized for Quirk overuse more times than she could count at this point, their counsellor told her not to train certain aspects of her Quirk very often to prevent long-term and severe damage, or even just prevent anymore heart issues from arising. She'd gotten to a pretty steady point where they didn't have to worry as much about how their heart stopping randomly, but that didn't mean she was any less cautious. At least her training was more focused on honing the actual strength of her earphone jacks--how far she could project the sound, the quality of the sounds they projected, and the range of her hearing. But they still treated the training skeptically. It's not like her Quirk was the safest for her to use continuously after all.

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