Final Event: Round One

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tw; cursing, mentioned/implied abuse, abuse, accusing someone of being a secret love child, todoroki's always gonna be a conspiracy theorist, mentioned quirk marriage, mentioned arranged marriage, a ton of trauma dumping in this chapter, mentioned/implied bullying, fighting, blood mention, uhhh, todo still freezes sero in an iceberg, how should i tag that???, ghost mention, scratching, implied scratching, verbal abuse, accidental self harm, implied accidental self harm, self harm, implied anxiety/panic attack, implied dissociation, dissociation mention, implied sensory overload, angst, IT CAME OUT OF NO WHERE I'M SORRY, not me projecting my anxiety and insecurities onto fictional characters, i'd never do that, probably more, let me know what i missed

Todoroki Shouto: Please meet me at the exits of the arena before you head to lunch. I wish to speak to you about something.

I stared at my phone. I didn't know what to say. What would Todoroki possibly want my help for? OH GODS HE WAS ACTUALLY MAD THAT I DISSED HIS DAD WASN'T HE?! FUCK WHAT DO I DO. I took a deep breath. It wouldn't be all that serious, it couldn't be. This was all just friendly fun, after all. Maybe he wanted to ask me what I thought about his Quirk? I don't know. He has such a cool Quirk, what I wouldn't give to have it... And some of the others thought my analysis was helpful, so maybe he thought it would be too? Too many possibilities, too little time.

Stealing my resolve, I sent Todoroki a confirmation text, and went to find him. It wasn't too hard to find him, he was just standing at one of the student entrances, near the exit, and so I stood opposite to him. "Um... hi, Todoroki..."


"Well, uh... We're both here. So, um. Now what?" No response. Okay. "Um. We should probably go get something to eat soon. The cafeteria's going to be busy, and we still have the final round to compete in, so it'd be best to get something to eat while we still have time for it to digest." He still didn't give me any response. No change in body language, no change in expression, no verbal response, nothing. Why was he so stoic? I don't get it... He's much more intimidating than Kaachan... And he's Lady Rei's son, too... That added a whole nother level of intimidation, even if he didn't know it. Does he know Lady Rei's importance? I wonder...

"I was overwhelmed," Todoroki said suddenly.


"That feeling caused me to break a promise I made a long time ago."

"Todoroki... Everyone breaks promises, it's nothing to worry about..." I said, trying to offer some kind of comfort. I really had no idea where this was going. Why didn't he use his left side, though? It would give him a much bigger advantage alongside him already having such precise control over his ice...

Todoroki pulled his left hand out of his pocket, staring at it. "I don't think, in that moment, anyone else felt it. Your true power. The true strength of your Quirk. Maybe it was something more than that. Something writhing just beneath your skin, that isn't exactly a part of your Quirk. It reminded me of experiencing All Might's Quirk in close range."

"R-really? Okay..." I gulped. "Is, uh... Is that it?"

"What I'm saying is, your Quirk felt very similar to All Might's, almost the same, I'd say. Midoriya... Tell me..."

Oh, fuck, he figured it out! All Might's going to want me to give back his Quirk as soon as he hears about this!

"Are you All Might's secret love child or something?"

"Am I. What?" I guess I see where he's coming from, but WHAT?!

"Are you All Might's secret love child?"

It's a Cryptic World| |MHA/BNHA AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang