The End of a Successful Festival...

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tw; cursing, muzzling and chaining a child, restraining a child, all that fun stuff from the sports festival the first time around, fighting, fire mention, acid mention, implied trauma, murder mention, freezing people, explosions, implied/mentioned panic/anxiety attacks, panic/anxiety attacks, all might and ua bashing, you may need to squint to see it (/hj), mentioned/implied injuries, mentions of tensei's injuries, implied/mentioned dissociation, slight body horror, slight horror(?), broken bone mention, implied claustrophobia, probably more, let me know what i missed


Kaminari and Todoroki's match was a short one, but lively all the same. Todoroki started the match by trying to corner Kaminari, attempting to avoid an actual hand-to-hand battle with the blonde. Objectively speaking, Todoroki was physically stronger than Kaminari and could easily overpower him, but it was Kaminari's Quirk Todoroki was more concerned about. He had witnessed the blonde use it offensively and defensively, covering his body in it and letting it out onto large scrapes of land.

Kaminari decided to use the ice walls to his advantage, jumping onto them and using them as platforms to brace his jumps better. He was relatively good at evasion, and knew that Todoroki could easily and probably would win the match sooner or later, but he intended on drawing it out as long as possible. Kaminari was well acquainted with ice, and how poorly it could conduct electricity. His main hope was that he could draw out the fight long enough at least for the frost Todoroki was standing on to melt, giving him some water to use his Quirk with and immobilize the dual-wielder, giving him the best chance he had to win.

Kaminari jumped around on the blocks of ice Todoroki sent after him, getting closer and closer to his classmate. Eventually, he was close enough to pull off a short-range attack. He jumped at Todoroki again, and kicked him in the jaw. The half-and-half boy fell to the ground as Kaminari landed, the blonde summersaulting out of his kick. He was about to move again, but his foot got caught on something. Todoroki, while he laid on the ground, made a trail of ice towards Kaminari, that, upon reaching the lightning user, froze him to the ground. Ice slowly incased him as he struggled to get out of the prison Todoroki made.

"Kaminari is immobilized!" Midnight called, as the crowd cheered. Todoroki melted the ice he froze Kaminari in.

"Wow, you're really powerful! Can't wait to have a rematch!" Kaminari said, smiling. Todoroki just gave a small nod and walked away. Kaminari shrugged and did the same.

Ashido versus Bakugou on the other hand was a bit more drawn out. Ashido was fast, and thanks to her acid she was able to move around smoothly. She was also rather flexible, and could apparently contort her bodies in various ways that didn't seem humanly possible, and she had really great endurance.

But Bakugou had the physical strength and the right Quirk to go against her. For a while, it was mostly hand-to-hand and close combat, acid and explosions getting tossed in every direction. Midnight and Cementoss both had near misses with Ashido making rather dense balls of acid and flinging them at Bakugou, only for him to dodge and her to greatly underestimate the momentum of the throw, causing the putrid smelling acid to land near them.

Eventually, nearly the entire arena was covered in acid, though it wasn't the strongest and it was only slowly corroding the concrete away, there were still some pocket folds that Bakugou had taken up resident in between bursts of explosions and globs of acid. Bakugou smirked. "You forgot one fucking crucial thing, Bug Eyes," he said.

'Bug Eyes'?! Ashido thought. "And what might that be?"

Bakugou leaned down, his hand hovering over the acid. "This shit is flammable." With a single, small explosion, the whole arena quickly began to go up in flames. Ashido backed away as quickly as possible, finding one of the pockets free of acid as the flames closed in. She looked like a deer in the headlights, completely entranced by the flames by nothing other than sheer terror. No, this is fine, we can still continue this fight, it's stupid, the flames aren't even that big! It's fine! She thought, trying to convince herself to take a deep breath, finding it hard to breathe deeply without falling further into her panic.

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