gran torino's training begins

3 0 0

tw; cursing, fighting, mentioned/implied injuries, injuries, mentioned/implied permanent injuries, hospital mention, death mention, implied/mentioned death, mentioned/implied blood, blood, ingesting blood, implied/mentioned faking your own death, pranks/practical jokes, mentioned/implied anxiety, knife mention, knives, knife fights, cannibalism mention, mentions of dead bodies, implied/mentioned murder, mentioned/implied malnourishment, mentioned/implied insomnia, mentioned/implied lack of sleep, implied human experimentation, the slightest hint of manga spoilers, iykyk, in the second midoriya pov the first paragraph is just a giant text wall of word vomit, feel free to skim/skip it, standard societal commentary involved with stain, probably more, let me know what i missed

The Brothers Iida
Big Brother-
Iida Tensei/Ingenium
Little Brother-Iida Tenya

The Brothers Iida

[12:30 PM; Sunday]

Big Brother: yoooo tenya

Little Brother: Tensei! Are you alright?

Big Brother: yea i'm fine

Big Brother: sucks not being ablle to walk and hospitals are boring as fuck but whatre you gonna do, you know?

Big Brother: but anyeay, how are you? I heard through the grapevine that internships start todya

Little Brother: They do. I'm on my way to the Normal Hero: Manual's agency as we text.

Big Brother: the one in Hosu?

Little Brother: That would be correct, yes.

Big Brother: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Little Brother: I am, I need to broaden my experience with heroes from outside of family friends and hero gala's. So I chose Manual to intern under.

Big Brother: alright, but, just

Big Brother: be safe, and don't do anything stupid, ok? Internships can be really dangerous. Like,,, losing your life dangerous, even for more trained individuals like second and third years...

Little Brother: Worry not, Tensei! I plan on staying with Manual and the assigned heroes throughout the entire internship, and following their orders! I would not wish to put you through the loss of another person because of internships.

Big Brother: ....

Big Brother: i;ll trust you to stay true to that, tenya, but still. Please promis me you won't do anything stupid like fighting villains on your own?

Little Brother: I promise, Tensei.

Big Brother: and don't go seeking vengeance for me, injjuries are an occupational hazard. Like with mom and dad.

-Little Brother has gone offline-

Big Brother: ...

Big Brother: no one ever listens to the fucking seer. lightning dammit.

Big Brother: please stay safe, tenya...

Iida pocketed his phone after turning it off. Tensei didn't understand. He needed to avenge his brother. For all his life, Tensei was the strongest person he knew, he looked up to him more than he did his parents. Tensei's faced a lot of hardships in the past to get to where he was, and someone took all of that struggle and perseverance away for some sick form of justice? Tensei never did anything wrong. And he was going to make the person who took Tensei's old life away from him pay. He was going to make the Hero Killer pay.

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