Let the Games Begin

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tw; cursing, injury mention, vigilantism mention, denial of bullying, mentioned suicide baiting, suicide baiting, suicide mention, mentioned/implied suicidal thoughts, almost suicide attempt, impliede/mentioned past suicide attempt, implied/mentioned self harm, knife mention, implied/mentioned past self harm, i'm so sorry, bullying, bullying mention, quirk discrimination, no one dies don't worry, this chapter won't have much magic out anything in it, probably more, let me know what i missed

Izuku Midoryia would say he lived a great life, if asked. Sure, he suffered and had to overcome many hardships throughout his life, he suffered a lot of trauma and struggled a lot during middle school. But he fought and overcame the bounderies society set for him, and rose to become the greatest hero alive-with a few minor crimes of vigilantism and unlicensed quirk usage along the way, and in the process overthrowing and reforming the government.

This is his story.
It all started when he was about four years old. He had yet to manifest a quirk, which was unusual as most of his classmates already had their quirks. Midoriya's best friend, Katsuki Bakugo, even had his quirk already. Because his quirk was already pretty powerful, the teachers constantly praised him for it. This led to... consequences, of sorts. Bakugo began thinking that he was above everyone, just because his quirk was powerful and heroic.

When he was for, Midoriya was diagnosed as quirkless. Because of this, he was a target for other people. Even though he was quirkless, and that put him at a disadvantage compared to the other kids, Midoriya still wanted to be a hero. So, he worked hard to achieve his dream.


Today was a good day, so far! On my way to school, I was able to catch the debut fight of Mt. Lady. There was a fight at the train station. Kamui Woods showed up, along with Death Arms and Back Draft.

At school, our teacher was talking about what we wanted to do with our lives. We where third years, so high school was right around the corner. But everyone in my class wanted to go to some hero school. It wasn't an uncommon goal, a lot of kids wanted to be heroes. What was uncommon was for a quirkless kid to want to be a hero and stay with that plan.

All my classmates thought it was hilarious that I wanted to become a hero. Especially... Kaachan.

After school, Kaachan gave me some "advice" after tossing my notebook, something I worked really hard on, out of an open window. "If you really wanna be a hero so bad there might be another way... Just take a swan dive of the rough of the building, and hope for a quirk in your next life." I wasn't really sure what I felt at that moment, but it wasn't anything pleasant. It was familiar, but unpleasant all the same.

I walked around the school a little, looking for my notebook. That idiot. You can't go around telling people to kill themselves- what if I had really jumped? What would he do then? I thought. Looking around some more, I found my notebook in the koi fish pond.

"My dreams have turned into fish food..." I mumbled. I reached for it and the fish swam away. I stared at my journal for a moment, thinking about the past. There was a video I remember watching, it was the debut video of All Might, the current number one hero... Then my dreams being crushed because of something stupid...

But I had to push through, to become a good hero. That day I walked my usual route home; it was pretty lonely, not many people went through that route. That's kinda why I liked it, I guess. Because no one was around to make fun of me... And then he appeared. A person, made entirely of sludge. My legs froze, I didn't know what to do. I barely heard what he was saying, something about using me as a host and needing an escape?

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